Friday, May 4, 2012

News Items May 7, 2012

1.     PICKARD PARK: I originally had this item on the council agenda however the city received a quote (Vanderpool) for $54,000. This is over the $47,000 competitive quotation procedure threshold and therefore we are seeking additional proposals. The sewer dept. staff cleaned out the system today to (hopefully) avoid problems over the weekend. There are also three temporary (two regular and one ADA accessible) toilets currently located at the facility.

Glen Cowan, Dan Miers, Chuck Burgin and I have been working to come up with the best solution to this problem. Camera testing showed the sewer problem exists from the manhole to the main not the restroom to the manhole. Staff will be recommending an 8” (currently 4”) sewer pipe be installed from the manhole to the sewer trunk line to avoid future backups. Also, an 8” main would certainly handle any future improvements to the complex.

Speaking of improvements Glen and I discussed delaying the Pickard play equipment and irrigation project scheduled for FY13 and utilizing those funds ($174,000) for ISA improvements including this sewer project. The restrooms need to be updated for ADA compliance and it was determined a design for a new building vs. restoring the old should be considered. Civil Design Engineering is submitting a proposal for design costs next week.

ISA is a separate entity and is required by contract to handle maintenance and certain improvement costs, however their budget simply cannot handle these expenses. ISA President, Todd Ahrens will attend the next meeting to answer questions you may have.

2.     WAY FINDING SIGNS: Glen Cowan indicates Shive-Hattery is working on a sample sign with colors for the city to review and is hoping to have it by next week. After city approval the signs will take 4-6 weeks to produce. The highway signs will be installed by the IDOT and the city will set the secondary signs.

3.     EAST GIRARD: Weather permitting staff will perform televising next week to make sure the subdrain is still intact. Soil Tek was contacted and will provide a quote for turf-reinforcement. The Street Dept removed the vertical bars on the lower opening of the grate to prevent debris buildup. Staff continues to work with V&K on other recommendations and improvements as proposed by the area residents.