TO: Mayor and Council
FROM: Jean
DATE: April 19, 2012
1. IDA: If you haven’t already received a copy a written IDA report from Jerry Kelley is attached.
2. PICKARD PARK: Working with Glen, Dan and V&K to come up with a plan to improve the Pickard Park restroom situation. A larger pipe or additional digging may need to be done, but costs could be substantial. Looking at new versus restoring costs as part of this project as well. Also, Glen is reviewing the ADA situation and a temp portable has been placed out there.
The adult concession stand, restroom/maintenance building and dugouts sustained some roof damage in the windstorm last Saturday evening. Roxanne and Glen are working with ICAP (property insurance) to determine claim amount. The city has a $10,000 deductible on the property.
3. STREET PROJECT: Per a request from Simpson College “E” Street replacement will be delayed one week for graduation ceremonies. The project will start on “D” instead.
4. LANDFILL COMMITTEE: A letter signed by the Mayor indicating I serve on the South Central Iowa Landfill committee until the new city manager is hired was sent per the landfill’s request (see letter).
5. 15th STREET PARKING: The construction at the middle school on 15th has created some parking shortage issues for the Indianola Little League. Chief Bonnett recommends allowing parking on 15th Street (currently not allowed see memo) until the end of the baseball season. Dr. Tiegland, the Indianola Little League President and Fire Chief Brian Seymour all concur with the temporary change. Please let me know if you have any concerns.
6. FRANCHISE FEES: I have been working with Ivan Webber, Ahlers Law Firm and he strongly advises we implement the same natural gas franchise fee amount for all classes of property. I called the Iowa League of Cities (again) General Counsel, Terry Timmons and after speaking with Ivan he determined the League is inclined to agree with Ahlers. I therefore am recommending the city implement a 2% across the board fee September 1, 2012 and 3% September 1, 2013. Our first street project bond payment is a lower principal and interest payment in FY13 (very typical). The second year (FY13-14) the payments increase and could be offset by the phased in 3%. The 2%/3% would generate the following based on a full year:
2% $ 96,500
3% $144,750
The 4%/2% would have generated $171,650 which is approximately a .05 cent debt service tax rate difference. I delayed placing this on the council agenda until June if you feel further discussion of the percentage is warranted. I felt the 2/3 phased in approach could be a good compromise to the 4/2, but please let me know if you would like to take a different approach.