1. YMCA: In the packet is a letter from SVPA’s Vitus Bering indicating that their architectural fee will increase from $765,000 to $882,650 given the construction budget of $12.7 million. That brings the total to $14,817,650. The city can issue up to $12.5 million per the March 1, 2010 referendum.
The next Vision Iowa meeting is February 15.
2. ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND: According to General Manager Todd Kielkopf, Dig America has requested to start the Highway 65/69 project ASAP and P&E Engineering is preparing the official notice to proceed. The project will start at the corner of Country Club & West Iowa and will proceed eastward along Iowa Ave. There won’t be any services converted (feeders only) until it gets closer to the highway so only the rights-of-way will be disturbed during this initial phase. The schedule is to hang customer notices this week (door knockers), staking next week, and then starting to bore the next (all based on favorable forecasts).
3. W HWY 92: The IDOT Project Management Team meeting has been moved to February 28 in Ames. Project updates for the improvement from the Fairgrounds west to R-57 will be provided and discussed. That information will be shared with elected officials.
4. SRF/WATER QUALITY PROJECT: A third meeting was held on the 31st to discuss water quality projects (drainage improvement, water gardens, permeable paving) that can be funded with the interest on a Sanitary Sewer State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) Project and the consensus was that those projects with sanitary sewer benefit could qualify. In addition, the attorneys were to work on language that clarifies the ability to issue sanitary sewer debt and use the interest for water quality projects.
If the language is changed, interest that “would” be paid to the SRF can instead be used for water quality projects. In short, water quality projects would cost nothing to our citizens.
5. SUSTAINABLE EVENT: In your packet is a memo from the Sustainability Committee requesting $500 in funds for their annual April 2012 event. I have authorized the request.