1. COUNCIL COMMITTEES: The following are the committees that council members will need to appoint. The item will be placed on the January committee agenda for discussion and then the January 16 agenda for formal council approval.
Indianola Development Association - Mark Vickroy, Shirley Clark and Randy Gathers
Warren County Economic Development Association – Shirley Clark
Dangerous/Dilapidated Committee – Mark Vickroy
Wellness Center Committee – John Sirianni, Mark Vickroy
Landfill Committee – Pete Berry
Investment Committee – Pete Berry
Metropolitan Planning Organization – Chuck Burgin, Shirley Clark and Tim Zisoff
CIRTPA – Chuck Burgin and Tim Zisoff
2. WELLNESS CENTER: The committee met with the SVPA Team on the 1st and will present a progress report at the 12/12 council study committee meeting. There are still some figures and concepts to work thru.
3. STATE REPRESENTATIVES: Representative Julian Garret and Senator Kent Sorensen attended a chamber luncheon on the 1st to discuss 2012 legislative issues and respond to questions. Senator Sorensen commented that he did not think the commercial rollback would be passed in this session.
4. LOOP DETECTORS: Loop detectors are complete and operational at Hwy 69 and Valley Place Dr. The existing camera detection has been turned off for Valley Place Dr. as well as the NB and SB left turn movements. The cameras for NB and SB advance detection remain on. Loaner detector amplifiers were installed in the cabinet pending receipt of new amplifiers to enable turning on the new detectors at this time. The new amplifiers will be installed within 30 days. Invoice to follow.
5. JANUARY COUNCIL MEETING: January’s first meeting will be Tuesday the 3rd since Monday is the recognized holiday.
6. RECYCLING: City Clerk Diana Bowlin reports 32 residents have requested the 48 gallon recycling bins. The bins will be distributed the week of December 12.
7. SUMMERCREST HILLS: Taxable value to date is $16,368,200. Good news!
8. EASTON PARK: Storm water repairs (includes concrete flume, grading and fill material) in the amount of $40,000 will be made to Easton Park this fall and next spring. FEMA will reimburse about $5,500 of the city’s expense resulting from the 2010 storms.
9. CIP: Changes are being made per council direction and the Capital Improvement Plan will be presented to council December 19.
10. MCCORD PARK PLAY EQUIPMENT: The age 2-5 play equipment, retaining wall, drainage system and fall protection are completed and have been open for public use for several weeks. Also the border/walkway is completed on 3 sides. Work is currently being done on the toddler swings and border around the swings. Layout of the age 5-12 play equipment is also currently being done. With winter near, the larger play equipment and swings may not be completed if it snows and the ground freezes. The installation process had to be completed in two phases and took longer due to the topography, the larger size of fall protection area required for the equipment and trees not being where noted on the plans.