Friday, July 8, 2011

News Items - July 11, 2011

1. PRESCRIPTION DRUG DISCOUNT: At the July 5 meeting, council approved National League of Cities membership and one of the membership benefits is a prescription drug discount for residents that do not have insurance, or, for drugs that are not covered by insurance. The city’s membership is effective August 1 and the prescription drug program will take 6-8 weeks to set up.

There will be no residency requirement and therefore no need for identity verification. The NLC prescription drug cards can be picked up at city hall and taken to local pharmacies where they will provide a 20% to 25% discount.

2. WEST HWY 92 SEWER: The Sanitary Sewer Project will be offered to property owners as a “connect fee” where no payment is required until there is an actual connection to the sewer (2 years, 5 years, 10 years?). A 5% interest rate will be recommended that will compound until the connection is made and the fee is paid.

However, an assessment option will be offered that requires 10 (can be up to 15) annual payments at 4% interest. This option is provided to encourage property owners to begin payment so the city does not carry the debt load indefinitely.

Connect fees/assessments will be about $11,500/acre compared to the original engineer’s estimate of $16,000/acre.

3. SANITARY SEWER JET/VAC TRUCK: Supt Dan Miers received two quotes to replace the 1995 Jet/Vac Truck used to clean/televise sanitary sewer mains. The low quote with trade is $306,245 ($300,000 is budgeted) from Trans Iowa Equipment. Dan will present a recommendation at the July 18 meeting.

4. INDIANOLA READYMIX: Snyder and Associates recommends the Readymix property be zoned low density (single family) residential as part of the Comprehensive Plan. It is currently industrial. The area residents will resume their rezoning request after the Comp Plan is approved by council in August.

5. TROPICAL SNOW: The time period for no future sales and removing the building has passed. At this time sales have ceased. John Hoyman has been asked to review what options are available to have the building removed.

6. WELLNESS CENTER: Project manager RFP’s were sent to nine firms and will be received until July 27. The committee and SVPA will interview candidates in August and a recommendation presented to council in September.