1. W. EUCLID ASSESSMENTS: On Friday, May 6th, the Supreme Court of Iowa confirmed the city’s assessments, and the Flint Formula, on W. Euclid. The Court did agree with the district court’s sidewalk assessment reduction. The primary reasons for confirmation were that the city “only” assessed for a 25’, 7” street even though a 31’, 8” street was installed. In addition large lots were separated and valued at $25,000 to lower the assessments.
2. COUNCIL MEMO: Starting May 6 the mayor/council memo written by myself and staff will be available to the general public at www.indianolaiowa.gov located under the tab labeled “About”. This change will improve transparency with our citizens and provide useful information about the decision making process.
3. COMMUNITY SURVEY: The surveys were sent to 820 citizens and are due on May 27. The results will be tabulated and placed on the July 11 committee agenda to coincide with the strategic plan/goals discussion.
4. SOUTH Y: The pre-construction meeting with Alliance, Garden and utility representatives is May 17 with an anticipated start on May 23. Notices will be sent to property owners next week.
5. LIBRARY CARPET: Five bids were received on May 4 ranging from $24,822 to $32,000. The Board will meet to review on May 10 and a recommendation presented on May 16.
$50,000 is budgeted and installation is scheduled for the month of August.
6. POOL: Glen Cowan reports the pool will open May 21 at 1 pm. The last day of school is May 23.
7. ROTH IRA: The International City/County Management Retirement Corporation now offers a Roth IRA (individual retirement account) contribution as one of it’s member options. The Roth accepts contributions that are taxed (opposed to normal IRA which is tax exempt) and then pays tax free when a member retires.
The new option requires council authorization allowing employee participation. Todd Kielkopf, RoxAnne Hunerdosse and I reviewed the plan and can see no disadvantage to the city. The only restriction we’d recommend is that employee contributions be applied to the Roth and not the city’s.
A recommendation will be on a May or June council agenda.
8. EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION: New employees Justin Brand, WPC Operator; Chelsea Fulton, Administration Intern; Brian McDonough, Community Development Intern; Vonnie Peters, WPC Office Manager; Bob Soukup, Paramedic/Firefighter and Dorothy Knight, Library Assistant part-time, will participate in the city’s orientation on June 7 and 8. The process acquaints new employees with all departments and their operations.
9. STORM SHELTERS: Per a recommendation from Steve Richardson, P&Z will discuss storm shelters on “slab” home at a future meeting.
10. S. PLANT: In your packet is a letter from Dan Cook, DNR, stating there is no futher action on the S. Plant Lift Station.