1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is June 6.
2. WELLNESS CENTER: The committee will interview 3 architectural firms on June 7. Negotiations will begin shortly after and a recommendation will be presented Tuesday (Monday is a holiday) at the July 5 council meeting.
3. MERCY CLINIC: An appraisal will be available by the end of next week for 108 N Jefferson.
4. D&D: The Dangerous/Dilapidated committee will discuss 200 N Jefferson at their June 2 meeting. A recommendation will be brought to council in June.
5. ANNUAL GARDEN TOUR: A reminder the Chamber’s Annual Garden Tour will be June 11 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. They will use the south (city hall) parking lot and have a tent on the east side. Our Centennial Park will be a great starting point for this event!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
News Items - May 23, 2011
1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is June 6.
2. SOUTH Y PAVING: The pre-construction meeting was held Tuesday the 17th. Highlights include:
• Construction is scheduled to begin June 6th, 2011.
• Completion date is August 31, ‘11 (assumes favorable weather)
• A temporary access road located along the east side of South Y Street will be constructed. This access road will eventually extend to West 10th Avenue as work progresses and will have a gross weight limit of 20 tons. Furthermore, speed bumps will be installed along the portion of existing driveway payment being utilized as access.
• As the work progresses, mailboxes along the west side of South Y Street within the project limits will be relocated to the northern access of the townhome located along South Y Street until construction is completed.
• Garbage haulers have been contacted and have made arrangements to provide lighter vehicles for garbage pickup.
• The contractor is to provide 48 hour notification for any utility and or access interruptions. Written notification will be posted on your front door.
• The entire project is scheduled for completion by August 26, 2011, however access to new pavement will take place prior to the completion date.
Letters were sent to property owners on Y and 10th providing the above information.
FYI—Per the May 18, 2011 RH&T, some of the South Y property owners retained Joe Happe to sue the city because of their assessments. The assessments have been reduced 40% resulting from the city’s $160,000 contribution and the $140,000 W 10th access assessment. South Y will be paved as a normal residential street which is 25 ft wide and 7 inches deep.
The current engineer’s contract includes about 20 hours/week for project inspection. Community Development Director Chuck Burgin recommends that be increased to 40 hours/week to minimize potential problems related to construction. Additional cost is $17,500 and will be discussed at the June 6 council meeting. W. Euclid and North “Y” had 40 hours/week inspection.
3. DOWNTOWN INCENTIVE PROGRAM: The program is scheduled to conclude on December 31, 2011 and has been a great success thus far. Below are the buildings that participated in the program and those that are pending. The program will be on a future (July, August, September) council study committee agenda to consider its success and possible extension.
• Grant McGraw – 115 N. Howard
• Pro Ad Venture – 110 W. Ashland
• Downey Insurance – 112 E. Salem
• Peoples Company – 113 W. Salem
• Mary Donaghy – 124 & 126 W. Ashland
• Linda Hayes – 125 W. Salem
• Canoesport Outfitters – 203 W. Salem
FYI—At the time we developed the incentive program, there was discussion about improving the streetscape (pedestrian amenities, parking, other amenities) on the square as well. Priority 1 was building improvements and priority 2 was improving the public aspect. Since building improvements are well under way, I will be recommending the city move to priority 2 which will involve professional assistance and public input.
4. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES PRESCRIPTION PROGRAM: The National League of Cities has a prescription drug program that allows member city residents to get a 20% discount on prescription drugs if they are not covered by insurance.
Intern Chelsea Fulton is researching the program and will have a recommendation at a June council meeting. Membership is about $1,300 annually.
5. SOUTH LIFT STATION ROOF: In the packet is a V&K report regarding the roof on the north garage/blower building at the south lift station. Neuvirth Const. installed new controls, electrical panels and CPU's in this building as part of the renovation and unfortunately the roof began leaking above the panel.
Supt Dan Miers is getting quotes from a flat roof contractors and a recommendation will be presented to council in June.
6. SALARY RESOLUTION: In the packet is the annual resolution showing employee salaries for FY 11/12. They are in accordance with the union contract and applied to all staff, and, included in the FY 11/12 approved by council on March 7. It will be placed on the June 20 council agenda (annual approval).
7. AUGUST 22: The P&R Commission would like to schedule August 22 (4th Monday) at 6:00 pm to meet and present information about how P&R impacts a community.
8. WALMART SIGNAL: Finance Director Jean Furler contacted IDOT and the potential for traffic signal loop detector funding is positive. If approved, Urban System Traffic Engineering Program Funds (USTEP) would pay 55% of the construction costs.
9. W EUCLID SEWER REPAIR: Vanderpool Const reports they’ll begin the repair at “U” Street in about two weeks.
10. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE AGREEMENT: At the June 14, 2010 council study meeting council recommended moving forward with an electric franchise agreement with MidAmerican Energy (see map for their Indianola territory). Staff and Ivan Webber have been negotiating the agreement (on and off) for over a year and have an ordinance that is ready for council review. It will be placed on the June 13 council study agenda.
The franchise agreement includes a franchise fee that begins at 2% and increases to 5% over a 4-year period. These percentages will equal the 5% payment in-lieu of taxes provided by our own electric utility.
In the packet is a resolution adopting a revenue purpose for the use of franchise revenues that will also be discussed on June 13.
11. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Still no word from the State legislature regarding commercial taxable value.
12. SEWER VAC TRUCK: $300,000 is budgeted for FY 11/12 to replace the Sewer Department’s 1995 Vac Truck. The vehicle is used to clean manholes/mains and is used in the televising process.
Dan found an option through the State of Minnesota to specify and purchase a truck. He’s in the process of drafting the spec for two options and will provide a recommendation in June.
2. SOUTH Y PAVING: The pre-construction meeting was held Tuesday the 17th. Highlights include:
• Construction is scheduled to begin June 6th, 2011.
• Completion date is August 31, ‘11 (assumes favorable weather)
• A temporary access road located along the east side of South Y Street will be constructed. This access road will eventually extend to West 10th Avenue as work progresses and will have a gross weight limit of 20 tons. Furthermore, speed bumps will be installed along the portion of existing driveway payment being utilized as access.
• As the work progresses, mailboxes along the west side of South Y Street within the project limits will be relocated to the northern access of the townhome located along South Y Street until construction is completed.
• Garbage haulers have been contacted and have made arrangements to provide lighter vehicles for garbage pickup.
• The contractor is to provide 48 hour notification for any utility and or access interruptions. Written notification will be posted on your front door.
• The entire project is scheduled for completion by August 26, 2011, however access to new pavement will take place prior to the completion date.
Letters were sent to property owners on Y and 10th providing the above information.
FYI—Per the May 18, 2011 RH&T, some of the South Y property owners retained Joe Happe to sue the city because of their assessments. The assessments have been reduced 40% resulting from the city’s $160,000 contribution and the $140,000 W 10th access assessment. South Y will be paved as a normal residential street which is 25 ft wide and 7 inches deep.
The current engineer’s contract includes about 20 hours/week for project inspection. Community Development Director Chuck Burgin recommends that be increased to 40 hours/week to minimize potential problems related to construction. Additional cost is $17,500 and will be discussed at the June 6 council meeting. W. Euclid and North “Y” had 40 hours/week inspection.
3. DOWNTOWN INCENTIVE PROGRAM: The program is scheduled to conclude on December 31, 2011 and has been a great success thus far. Below are the buildings that participated in the program and those that are pending. The program will be on a future (July, August, September) council study committee agenda to consider its success and possible extension.
• Grant McGraw – 115 N. Howard
• Pro Ad Venture – 110 W. Ashland
• Downey Insurance – 112 E. Salem
• Peoples Company – 113 W. Salem
• Mary Donaghy – 124 & 126 W. Ashland
• Linda Hayes – 125 W. Salem
• Canoesport Outfitters – 203 W. Salem
FYI—At the time we developed the incentive program, there was discussion about improving the streetscape (pedestrian amenities, parking, other amenities) on the square as well. Priority 1 was building improvements and priority 2 was improving the public aspect. Since building improvements are well under way, I will be recommending the city move to priority 2 which will involve professional assistance and public input.
4. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES PRESCRIPTION PROGRAM: The National League of Cities has a prescription drug program that allows member city residents to get a 20% discount on prescription drugs if they are not covered by insurance.
Intern Chelsea Fulton is researching the program and will have a recommendation at a June council meeting. Membership is about $1,300 annually.
5. SOUTH LIFT STATION ROOF: In the packet is a V&K report regarding the roof on the north garage/blower building at the south lift station. Neuvirth Const. installed new controls, electrical panels and CPU's in this building as part of the renovation and unfortunately the roof began leaking above the panel.
Supt Dan Miers is getting quotes from a flat roof contractors and a recommendation will be presented to council in June.
6. SALARY RESOLUTION: In the packet is the annual resolution showing employee salaries for FY 11/12. They are in accordance with the union contract and applied to all staff, and, included in the FY 11/12 approved by council on March 7. It will be placed on the June 20 council agenda (annual approval).
7. AUGUST 22: The P&R Commission would like to schedule August 22 (4th Monday) at 6:00 pm to meet and present information about how P&R impacts a community.
8. WALMART SIGNAL: Finance Director Jean Furler contacted IDOT and the potential for traffic signal loop detector funding is positive. If approved, Urban System Traffic Engineering Program Funds (USTEP) would pay 55% of the construction costs.
9. W EUCLID SEWER REPAIR: Vanderpool Const reports they’ll begin the repair at “U” Street in about two weeks.
10. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE AGREEMENT: At the June 14, 2010 council study meeting council recommended moving forward with an electric franchise agreement with MidAmerican Energy (see map for their Indianola territory). Staff and Ivan Webber have been negotiating the agreement (on and off) for over a year and have an ordinance that is ready for council review. It will be placed on the June 13 council study agenda.
The franchise agreement includes a franchise fee that begins at 2% and increases to 5% over a 4-year period. These percentages will equal the 5% payment in-lieu of taxes provided by our own electric utility.
In the packet is a resolution adopting a revenue purpose for the use of franchise revenues that will also be discussed on June 13.
11. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Still no word from the State legislature regarding commercial taxable value.
12. SEWER VAC TRUCK: $300,000 is budgeted for FY 11/12 to replace the Sewer Department’s 1995 Vac Truck. The vehicle is used to clean manholes/mains and is used in the televising process.
Dan found an option through the State of Minnesota to specify and purchase a truck. He’s in the process of drafting the spec for two options and will provide a recommendation in June.
Friday, May 13, 2011
News Items - May 16, 2011
1. WELLNESS CENTER: Ten architect rfp’s were received on the 12th for the wellness center. A subcommittee (Chuck Burgin, Vicky Foresman, Mike Teigland and I) will review them, narrow to 4-6 and present them to full committee on May 24. The full committee will interview architect firms in early June and a recommendation will be on the July 5 agenda.
2. WEST EUCLID: Total sidewalk assessments were $55,882.32 so a 50% reduction would reduce them by $27,941.16 according to V&K’s Jeremy Enano.
A resolution changing the assessments is being drafted by Eric Boehlert and a recommendation will be on the June 6 council agenda.
In the packet is the May 11 Register Editorial titled “Like it or not, court’s ruling is sound”.
3. AMBULANCE REPLACEMENT: Fire Chief Brian Seymour sent four rfp’s to replace our 12 year-old ambulance that has 135,000 miles. City policy is to replace one of the three ambulances every four years.
This year Brian spec’d a “truck-style” chassis because Ford no longer makes the “van-style”. Chevrolet and Dodge make a van chassis but there are other challenges in addition to being more expensive according to Brian. Brian also reports the truck chassis was cheaper with a 4-wheel drive unit to replace the automatic tire chains the dept has used on past units.
$160,000 is budgeted in FY 11/12. Bids will be received on June 17 and a recommendation presented to council on July 5.
4. JUNE 13 COMMITTEE: Agenda items include:
• 2011 Street Replacement Update-- Snyder’s Jennifer Croat will provide the latest project updates
• Hwy 65/69 Corridor Study—IDOT’s Troy Jerman will review the Snyder study (Hillcrest to city limits) and discuss their intent to provide additional options
• W Hwy 92 Update—IDOT’s Troy Jerman will provide the project concept and schedule. At a meeting on May 12, Community Development Director Chuck Burgin and I asked the DOT to extend the project east to the fairgrounds where existing curb ends. The plan is to extend the 3-lane highway thru R-63 with curb/gutter and a trail.
• Paperless agendas/packets
4. TROPICAL SNOW: In the packet is a letter to the Tropical Snow owner (303 N. Jefferson) indicating the building violates the city code for temporary structures.
5. COMMERCIAL TAXATION: Thus far the Iowa House/Senate have not reached a compromise on commercial property taxation. The House version will lower commercial taxable value which could create a loss of about $1.1 million over 5 years with the (includes state backfill). The Senate version creates tax credits and has no effect on city, county or school governments.
Should the House version be adopted, the tax rate may increase to make up lost revenue therefore shifting tax to residential property.
6. HUMANE SOCIETY: In the packet are state inspection reports for Kiya Koda. The city provides about $36K annually for domestic animal care.
7. 506 W 2ND: The city purchased 506 W 2nd thru the Dangerous/Dilapidated program and will receive proposals to remove the building on May 24. A recommendation will be on the June 6 agenda. The work must be completed by July 15.
8. FD EXHAUST: The Fire Dept Bay exhaust system was installed by the first of May and is functioning well according to Chief Brian Seymour.
9. LAZERFEST: A reminder Lazerfest is Sunday May 15. Weather does not look that favorable however there will still be a sizable crowd thru Indianola. Last year the Fest received complaints about music playing until 11:30/12:00 pm (on a school night). The county supervisors approved their permit allowing music until 10:30 pm.
There is also a weekend softball tournament at Pickard.
2. WEST EUCLID: Total sidewalk assessments were $55,882.32 so a 50% reduction would reduce them by $27,941.16 according to V&K’s Jeremy Enano.
A resolution changing the assessments is being drafted by Eric Boehlert and a recommendation will be on the June 6 council agenda.
In the packet is the May 11 Register Editorial titled “Like it or not, court’s ruling is sound”.
3. AMBULANCE REPLACEMENT: Fire Chief Brian Seymour sent four rfp’s to replace our 12 year-old ambulance that has 135,000 miles. City policy is to replace one of the three ambulances every four years.
This year Brian spec’d a “truck-style” chassis because Ford no longer makes the “van-style”. Chevrolet and Dodge make a van chassis but there are other challenges in addition to being more expensive according to Brian. Brian also reports the truck chassis was cheaper with a 4-wheel drive unit to replace the automatic tire chains the dept has used on past units.
$160,000 is budgeted in FY 11/12. Bids will be received on June 17 and a recommendation presented to council on July 5.
4. JUNE 13 COMMITTEE: Agenda items include:
• 2011 Street Replacement Update-- Snyder’s Jennifer Croat will provide the latest project updates
• Hwy 65/69 Corridor Study—IDOT’s Troy Jerman will review the Snyder study (Hillcrest to city limits) and discuss their intent to provide additional options
• W Hwy 92 Update—IDOT’s Troy Jerman will provide the project concept and schedule. At a meeting on May 12, Community Development Director Chuck Burgin and I asked the DOT to extend the project east to the fairgrounds where existing curb ends. The plan is to extend the 3-lane highway thru R-63 with curb/gutter and a trail.
• Paperless agendas/packets
4. TROPICAL SNOW: In the packet is a letter to the Tropical Snow owner (303 N. Jefferson) indicating the building violates the city code for temporary structures.
5. COMMERCIAL TAXATION: Thus far the Iowa House/Senate have not reached a compromise on commercial property taxation. The House version will lower commercial taxable value which could create a loss of about $1.1 million over 5 years with the (includes state backfill). The Senate version creates tax credits and has no effect on city, county or school governments.
Should the House version be adopted, the tax rate may increase to make up lost revenue therefore shifting tax to residential property.
6. HUMANE SOCIETY: In the packet are state inspection reports for Kiya Koda. The city provides about $36K annually for domestic animal care.
7. 506 W 2ND: The city purchased 506 W 2nd thru the Dangerous/Dilapidated program and will receive proposals to remove the building on May 24. A recommendation will be on the June 6 agenda. The work must be completed by July 15.
8. FD EXHAUST: The Fire Dept Bay exhaust system was installed by the first of May and is functioning well according to Chief Brian Seymour.
9. LAZERFEST: A reminder Lazerfest is Sunday May 15. Weather does not look that favorable however there will still be a sizable crowd thru Indianola. Last year the Fest received complaints about music playing until 11:30/12:00 pm (on a school night). The county supervisors approved their permit allowing music until 10:30 pm.
There is also a weekend softball tournament at Pickard.
Friday, May 6, 2011
News Items - May 9, 2011
1. W. EUCLID ASSESSMENTS: On Friday, May 6th, the Supreme Court of Iowa confirmed the city’s assessments, and the Flint Formula, on W. Euclid. The Court did agree with the district court’s sidewalk assessment reduction. The primary reasons for confirmation were that the city “only” assessed for a 25’, 7” street even though a 31’, 8” street was installed. In addition large lots were separated and valued at $25,000 to lower the assessments.
2. COUNCIL MEMO: Starting May 6 the mayor/council memo written by myself and staff will be available to the general public at www.indianolaiowa.gov located under the tab labeled “About”. This change will improve transparency with our citizens and provide useful information about the decision making process.
3. COMMUNITY SURVEY: The surveys were sent to 820 citizens and are due on May 27. The results will be tabulated and placed on the July 11 committee agenda to coincide with the strategic plan/goals discussion.
4. SOUTH Y: The pre-construction meeting with Alliance, Garden and utility representatives is May 17 with an anticipated start on May 23. Notices will be sent to property owners next week.
5. LIBRARY CARPET: Five bids were received on May 4 ranging from $24,822 to $32,000. The Board will meet to review on May 10 and a recommendation presented on May 16.
$50,000 is budgeted and installation is scheduled for the month of August.
6. POOL: Glen Cowan reports the pool will open May 21 at 1 pm. The last day of school is May 23.
7. ROTH IRA: The International City/County Management Retirement Corporation now offers a Roth IRA (individual retirement account) contribution as one of it’s member options. The Roth accepts contributions that are taxed (opposed to normal IRA which is tax exempt) and then pays tax free when a member retires.
The new option requires council authorization allowing employee participation. Todd Kielkopf, RoxAnne Hunerdosse and I reviewed the plan and can see no disadvantage to the city. The only restriction we’d recommend is that employee contributions be applied to the Roth and not the city’s.
A recommendation will be on a May or June council agenda.
8. EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION: New employees Justin Brand, WPC Operator; Chelsea Fulton, Administration Intern; Brian McDonough, Community Development Intern; Vonnie Peters, WPC Office Manager; Bob Soukup, Paramedic/Firefighter and Dorothy Knight, Library Assistant part-time, will participate in the city’s orientation on June 7 and 8. The process acquaints new employees with all departments and their operations.
9. STORM SHELTERS: Per a recommendation from Steve Richardson, P&Z will discuss storm shelters on “slab” home at a future meeting.
10. S. PLANT: In your packet is a letter from Dan Cook, DNR, stating there is no futher action on the S. Plant Lift Station.
2. COUNCIL MEMO: Starting May 6 the mayor/council memo written by myself and staff will be available to the general public at www.indianolaiowa.gov located under the tab labeled “About”. This change will improve transparency with our citizens and provide useful information about the decision making process.
3. COMMUNITY SURVEY: The surveys were sent to 820 citizens and are due on May 27. The results will be tabulated and placed on the July 11 committee agenda to coincide with the strategic plan/goals discussion.
4. SOUTH Y: The pre-construction meeting with Alliance, Garden and utility representatives is May 17 with an anticipated start on May 23. Notices will be sent to property owners next week.
5. LIBRARY CARPET: Five bids were received on May 4 ranging from $24,822 to $32,000. The Board will meet to review on May 10 and a recommendation presented on May 16.
$50,000 is budgeted and installation is scheduled for the month of August.
6. POOL: Glen Cowan reports the pool will open May 21 at 1 pm. The last day of school is May 23.
7. ROTH IRA: The International City/County Management Retirement Corporation now offers a Roth IRA (individual retirement account) contribution as one of it’s member options. The Roth accepts contributions that are taxed (opposed to normal IRA which is tax exempt) and then pays tax free when a member retires.
The new option requires council authorization allowing employee participation. Todd Kielkopf, RoxAnne Hunerdosse and I reviewed the plan and can see no disadvantage to the city. The only restriction we’d recommend is that employee contributions be applied to the Roth and not the city’s.
A recommendation will be on a May or June council agenda.
8. EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION: New employees Justin Brand, WPC Operator; Chelsea Fulton, Administration Intern; Brian McDonough, Community Development Intern; Vonnie Peters, WPC Office Manager; Bob Soukup, Paramedic/Firefighter and Dorothy Knight, Library Assistant part-time, will participate in the city’s orientation on June 7 and 8. The process acquaints new employees with all departments and their operations.
9. STORM SHELTERS: Per a recommendation from Steve Richardson, P&Z will discuss storm shelters on “slab” home at a future meeting.
10. S. PLANT: In your packet is a letter from Dan Cook, DNR, stating there is no futher action on the S. Plant Lift Station.
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