1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is March 21, at 6:00 pm. The committee meeting has been rescheduled for March 28.
2. KELLEY TRAIL: Great news! The Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Policy Committee approved a $309,000 grant to extend the Kelley Trail from the Memorial Pool to Wilder Elementary. Congratulations to Glen Cowan for a successful grant application. Funds will be available after October ’11 and trail construction is anticipated in the summer of ’12.
3. SOUTH Y: Thus far 42 voluntary assessments have been received totaling $329,192.36 of the proposed $534,383.22 assessment.
4. SEWER DEPT HIRE: Thus far 43 applications were received for the sanitary sewer operator vacancy. Supt Dan Miers and HR Director RoxAnne Hunerdosse will conduct interviews March 24 and 25. A recommendation will be on the April 4 council agenda.
5. J/K REALIGNMENT: The property owner (used car lot) contacted Chuck Burgin to discuss the possible sale of land to realign “J” and “K” at Hwy 92. This project was discussed a number of years ago but the property owner was not interested until recently. We plan to review the file, contact the IDOT and V&K and bring to council in the future.
6. STEP REPAIR: The steps on city hall’s north side are being repaired by the Street Dept staff. Our thanks for all their efforts!