1. FEMA: Below is a list of the emergency disaster project costs submitted to FEMA. Risk Manager RoxAnne Hunerdosse worked very well to compile this data and submit it to FEMA. Department directors also deserve recognition.
Federal funding will reimburse 75% of eligible expenses and state funding will reimburse 10% of the eligible expenses for a total reimbursement of 85%.
Debris Pick-Up, Removal, & Recycling $ 12,500
Emergency Protective Measures $ 18,800
Street & Storm Sewer Projects $380,000
City Hall & Library $ 9,300
Water $ 8,100
Electric $ 82,900
Water Pollution Control $172,700
Parks** $ 30,700
Total $715,000
*There may be some parts of a project that won’t be reimbursed due to an improvement on the “prior to event” condition. **This does not include the engineering or restoration work needed at Easton Park.
Total estimated reimbursement is $608,400.
2. STORM WATER UTILITY: Clerks Office staff has been meeting to discuss utility bill issues related to non-owner occupied single/two-family dwellings. There are about 800 and the key is to minimize the amount of new bills generated. It is possible the SWU billing may be delayed until February or March in order to ensure the most efficient utility method.
3. C STREET CLOSURE: V&K scheduled a meeting on Monday November 1 with reps from the city, school and Simpson to discuss the ramifications of “C” Street’s closure to thru traffic. The study should be complete in a few weeks.
4. W HIGHWAY 92 SEWER: The main (south side) is installed and the services for north side properties have been determined with the assistance of owners. However, based on the service locations, there are conflicts with existing utilities making the originally designed borings near impossible. V&K is working with Underground and the utility owners to determine the best option. We therefore anticipate a change order that will be brought to council in several weeks. At this time an open cut may be the best option.
5. SQUARE BUILDINGS: City Attorney John Hoyman reports there was a hearing October 27 to delay the December 14 court date for the lawsuit by the owners of 110 W Ashland against the owner of 112 W Ashland. The court date was not changed and will be held as scheduled.
Steve Gray of SVPA reports the plan/spec is complete and the estimate to repair the building is approximately $160,000. The tentative schedule for repairing the building follows:
• November 3 – submit construction document
• November 15 – Resolution ordering construction of public improvement and fixing a date for hearing and taking of bids
• November 22 – pre-con meeting
• December 1 – Receive bids
• December 6 – Award contract
• Completion within 90 days
6. GUN SALES: Chuck Burgin’s Office received a request to sell guns (see letters) under the “special exceptions , uses and structures” in an R-3 (mixed residential) zone. R-3 allows home occupations but does not include retail sales. Chuck Burgin and John Hoyman are working the issue.
7. NORTH Y/INWOOD: Chuck Burgin and I met with county reps to discuss options regarding the seal coat (placed for RAGBRAI) on North Y and Inwood. One option is to remove the gravel and put it back to its original surface.
8. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: The pool remains around $990,000 and is hopefully well poised for new expenses arising from federal health care reform.
9. MEDIACOM: Notice was received from Mediacom to change channel KDSM DT@-Cool TV to channel 110 on November 15.
10. 204 NORTH JEFFERSON: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is getting quotes to remove the D&D building 204 N Jefferson. The former Cottage Inn and building south will be removed later this year or early next year due to some required environmental testing.
11. DOWNTOWN INCENTIVE: Mary Donaghy of Mary Donaghy Insurance (206 N. Buxton) is working with Chuck Burgin on building improvements and the Downtown Incentive Program. Because of the nature of the late in the building season, most of the improvements have been started. This will be placed on a future council agenda.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
News Items - October 25, 2010
1. BALLOON MUSEUM: The construction to extend the culvert has begun. The contractor uncovered a 24” RCP Storm Sewer which was not indicated on the plan. Connection of this pipe is required, a change order will be forthcoming.
2. STEPHEN COURT: Approximately 300’ north of Iowa Avenue has been closed and construction has begun. Part of the project included new sanitary sewer crossing. On Thursday a potential conflict with a water main was discovered. The engineer is sending a survey crew down Friday to determine if adequate clearance is available. A change order may be needed.
3. PETITION: As part of the 2011 Street Replacement Project, we have received a petition (packet) indicating they do not want a new street. This portion of North 1st was included in the original 42 blocks under consideration, however, the final selection of streets has yet to be determined.
4. CENSUS: We received information from the U.S. Census Bureau stating that 74 percent of households in the United States filled out and mailed back their 2010 Census questionnaire. The apportionment counts will be delivered to the President within nine month of Census Day (on or before December 31, 2010). We should receive our data no later than April 1, 2011.
5. PROSPECT: A formal incentive request will be forthcoming at the upcoming council meeting for a call center as mentioned in the October 7th news items (packet).
6. RACE CARS: According to our attorney Hugh Cain, the court ruled in the city’s favor and stated the fencing ordinance is not an unconstitutional taking.
2. STEPHEN COURT: Approximately 300’ north of Iowa Avenue has been closed and construction has begun. Part of the project included new sanitary sewer crossing. On Thursday a potential conflict with a water main was discovered. The engineer is sending a survey crew down Friday to determine if adequate clearance is available. A change order may be needed.
3. PETITION: As part of the 2011 Street Replacement Project, we have received a petition (packet) indicating they do not want a new street. This portion of North 1st was included in the original 42 blocks under consideration, however, the final selection of streets has yet to be determined.
4. CENSUS: We received information from the U.S. Census Bureau stating that 74 percent of households in the United States filled out and mailed back their 2010 Census questionnaire. The apportionment counts will be delivered to the President within nine month of Census Day (on or before December 31, 2010). We should receive our data no later than April 1, 2011.
5. PROSPECT: A formal incentive request will be forthcoming at the upcoming council meeting for a call center as mentioned in the October 7th news items (packet).
6. RACE CARS: According to our attorney Hugh Cain, the court ruled in the city’s favor and stated the fencing ordinance is not an unconstitutional taking.
Friday, October 15, 2010
News Items - October 18, 2010
1. LIBRARY HVAC: After much discussion and research, the Library Board wants to seek bids on two Geo Thermal Options. Shive Hattery Engineer Jake Newman summarized the two options in a memo (packet) dated October 14. In addition, Board will get a conventional replacement quote from a local contractor who is familiar with the current system in order to provide an accurate cost comparison (and payback period) between conventional and geo-thermal.
The Board will attend the November 1 council meeting to discuss these options and move forward with the bidding process.
2. STEPHEN COURT: TK Concrete plans to begin the culvert replacement next Monday (weather permitting). The contract has a November 19, 2010 completion date.
3. W EUCLID HOME: Owners of a home damaged during the July 23 tornado are rebuilding but ran into a city-related issue. Their .89 acre property (along with the two single family dwellings immediately west) is zoned agricultural which does not allow a single-family dwelling on less than 15 acres (council changed on May 27, 2009).
However, the code does allow a special exception that is recommended by P&Z and approved by council. P&Z has a special meeting on October 26 and will have a recommendation for council’s November 1 meeting.
Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is recommending the owners (and those west) rezone to residential thereby avoiding future issues.
4. AMPHITHEATER: Sodding and seeding are complete. The sidewalks are 95% complete and the contractor is working on the punch list.
5. SQUARE DECK: The Brickhouse deck was late coming down as the owners removed it on October 12.
6. FEMA: FEMA extended the application deadline for citizens and businesses to file a claim to November 12. Damage between June 1 and the end of August not covered by an insurance company are eligible.
7. FIREFIGHTER CANDIDATES: To date we’ve received 11 applications to fill the Fire Department’s firefighter position. Application deadline is October 22 with Civil Service testing scheduled for November 20th.
8. MUNICIPAL BUILDING HVAC: There continues to be problems with the building HVAC related to consistent heating/cooling. Department directors met on the 15th and agreed to obtain quotes from three companies that are familiar with the system. A recommendation will be brought to council in several weeks.
The Board will attend the November 1 council meeting to discuss these options and move forward with the bidding process.
2. STEPHEN COURT: TK Concrete plans to begin the culvert replacement next Monday (weather permitting). The contract has a November 19, 2010 completion date.
3. W EUCLID HOME: Owners of a home damaged during the July 23 tornado are rebuilding but ran into a city-related issue. Their .89 acre property (along with the two single family dwellings immediately west) is zoned agricultural which does not allow a single-family dwelling on less than 15 acres (council changed on May 27, 2009).
However, the code does allow a special exception that is recommended by P&Z and approved by council. P&Z has a special meeting on October 26 and will have a recommendation for council’s November 1 meeting.
Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is recommending the owners (and those west) rezone to residential thereby avoiding future issues.
4. AMPHITHEATER: Sodding and seeding are complete. The sidewalks are 95% complete and the contractor is working on the punch list.
5. SQUARE DECK: The Brickhouse deck was late coming down as the owners removed it on October 12.
6. FEMA: FEMA extended the application deadline for citizens and businesses to file a claim to November 12. Damage between June 1 and the end of August not covered by an insurance company are eligible.
7. FIREFIGHTER CANDIDATES: To date we’ve received 11 applications to fill the Fire Department’s firefighter position. Application deadline is October 22 with Civil Service testing scheduled for November 20th.
8. MUNICIPAL BUILDING HVAC: There continues to be problems with the building HVAC related to consistent heating/cooling. Department directors met on the 15th and agreed to obtain quotes from three companies that are familiar with the system. A recommendation will be brought to council in several weeks.
Friday, October 8, 2010
News Items - October 11, 2010
1. TAX RATE: City Clerk Diana Bowlin drafted the comparison surveys (packet) for cities with a population of 6,500 and greater and also included Adel, Bondurant, Grimes and Polk City. Of the 62 cities surveyed, Indianola ranks the following (1 is the lowest and 62 highest):
Tax rate 12th
Taxes paid per capita 9th
Tax Base per capita 28th
These numbers rank very well especially considering the tax base is about 65% residential.
2. SUMERCREST HILLS PLAT/TIF: Developers plan to submit a preliminary plat and also ask for Tax Increment Finance funding to provide paving for their development. The TIF request will be on the November 1 agenda and the preliminary plat schedule is as follows:
October 1: Submittal to Development Department of preliminary plat 3 for review.
October 11: Submittal of revised preliminary plat and proposed final plat to Development Department.
October 26: Special Planning and Zoning Meeting to consider preliminary and final plat.
November 1: City Council Meeting to consider preliminary plat.
3. PROSPECT: Todd Kielkopf and I met with Tiffany Coleman (WCEDC) and Jerry Kelley (IDA) to draft an incentive package for a call center who is reviewing options to lease an existing building and employ 45 full-time equivalents with an average of $10/hr. The incentive package (packet) will be considered by council at an October or November meeting.
FYI – Tiffany resigned her position with WCEDC effective October 22.
4. IDA: Indianola Development Association will present their budget request at the joint council/trustee meeting in December. In the packet is an update of their progress.
5. W HWY 92 TRAIL: In the packet are letters of support for a trail to be part of the W Hwy 92 Improvement Project (“R” Street thru R-57) scheduled for 2013. A trail to connect Summerset and the Great Western in Martensdale has been discussed since the early stages of the Hwy 92 Project.
6. STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Staff is meeting with Snyder reps on the 12th to begin dialogue on streets to be replaced in 2011. Ed Yando and Chuck Burgin have listed over 40 streets and the engineer will narrow the list to about 20 to fit our $2.5 million budget. Criteria such as core samples, traffic, curb and surface conditions will be used by the engineer to prioritize. A recommendation will be placed on the December committee agenda for review.
7. NORWALK/CARLISLE: As written previously, the meeting has been moved to October 28 at 6:00 pm in the Norwalk Library.
8. ONLINE BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 902 customers have signed on for online billing access. 114 receive their bills online which means there are 114 less stamps, envelopes and bills. The savings are beginning to mount.
9. ROSENBERGER TRUCK SHOP: The buffer fence was installed on Friday October 1 therefore John Hoyman did not file the municipal infraction for failure to comply with the city code. Good news!
10. CAF PARKING: The School District is working with an engineer and Chuck Burgin on the Community Athletic Facilities parking lot on South 15th. Installation is expected during the summer of 2011.
11. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Work is scheduled to start next week. Traffic control is lined up for Tuesday morning and will pull the lane closure off around 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. to accommodate evening traffic. More details will be provided when available.
12. “C” STREET STUDY: Veenstra and Kimm will set traffic counters in the next couple week. A meeting will be held with Simpson, school, police and fire at the end of October.
Tax rate 12th
Taxes paid per capita 9th
Tax Base per capita 28th
These numbers rank very well especially considering the tax base is about 65% residential.
2. SUMERCREST HILLS PLAT/TIF: Developers plan to submit a preliminary plat and also ask for Tax Increment Finance funding to provide paving for their development. The TIF request will be on the November 1 agenda and the preliminary plat schedule is as follows:
October 1: Submittal to Development Department of preliminary plat 3 for review.
October 11: Submittal of revised preliminary plat and proposed final plat to Development Department.
October 26: Special Planning and Zoning Meeting to consider preliminary and final plat.
November 1: City Council Meeting to consider preliminary plat.
3. PROSPECT: Todd Kielkopf and I met with Tiffany Coleman (WCEDC) and Jerry Kelley (IDA) to draft an incentive package for a call center who is reviewing options to lease an existing building and employ 45 full-time equivalents with an average of $10/hr. The incentive package (packet) will be considered by council at an October or November meeting.
FYI – Tiffany resigned her position with WCEDC effective October 22.
4. IDA: Indianola Development Association will present their budget request at the joint council/trustee meeting in December. In the packet is an update of their progress.
5. W HWY 92 TRAIL: In the packet are letters of support for a trail to be part of the W Hwy 92 Improvement Project (“R” Street thru R-57) scheduled for 2013. A trail to connect Summerset and the Great Western in Martensdale has been discussed since the early stages of the Hwy 92 Project.
6. STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Staff is meeting with Snyder reps on the 12th to begin dialogue on streets to be replaced in 2011. Ed Yando and Chuck Burgin have listed over 40 streets and the engineer will narrow the list to about 20 to fit our $2.5 million budget. Criteria such as core samples, traffic, curb and surface conditions will be used by the engineer to prioritize. A recommendation will be placed on the December committee agenda for review.
7. NORWALK/CARLISLE: As written previously, the meeting has been moved to October 28 at 6:00 pm in the Norwalk Library.
8. ONLINE BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 902 customers have signed on for online billing access. 114 receive their bills online which means there are 114 less stamps, envelopes and bills. The savings are beginning to mount.
9. ROSENBERGER TRUCK SHOP: The buffer fence was installed on Friday October 1 therefore John Hoyman did not file the municipal infraction for failure to comply with the city code. Good news!
10. CAF PARKING: The School District is working with an engineer and Chuck Burgin on the Community Athletic Facilities parking lot on South 15th. Installation is expected during the summer of 2011.
11. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Work is scheduled to start next week. Traffic control is lined up for Tuesday morning and will pull the lane closure off around 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. to accommodate evening traffic. More details will be provided when available.
12. “C” STREET STUDY: Veenstra and Kimm will set traffic counters in the next couple week. A meeting will be held with Simpson, school, police and fire at the end of October.
Friday, October 1, 2010
News Items - October 4, 2010
1. ROLL BACK: The rollback for FY 2011/12 are as follows:
Class 2011/12 2010/11
Residential 48.53% 46.9%
Agricultural 69.02% 66.3%
Commercial 100.00% 100.00%
Industrial 100.00% 100.00%
2. SERGEANT HAMELL: In the packet is a letter acknowledging Sergeant Ron Hamell for “wonderful service” by helping an individual who showed signs of a stroke in a local restaurant on September 23. Hats off to Ron!!
3. BUILDINGS ON SQUARE: On September 28 John Hoyman received a call from one of the attorneys indicating the One Stop insurance company filed several new motions and requested a 6-month delay of the December 14 court date.
Chuck Burgin is working with Savage/Ver Ploeg and design of safety improvements is underway and will continue per council direction.
4. CARLISLE/NORWALK: Norwalk is asking to re-schedule the October 14 joint meeting to October 28.
5. COUNCIL/TRUSTEES: The Indianola Development Association will conduct a strategic planning session in Mid-October so delaying this agenda item with the trustees from October 11 to December would be beneficial. IDA intends to bring a business plan to the council/trustees and will need adequate time for preparation.
The joint discussion regarding Qwest’s pole relocation can also be delayed.
6. BEGGARS NIGHT: This year’s beggars night is scheduled for October 30 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
7. PRINCIPAL SELLING MEDICAL BUSINESS: The City/IMU self-insured plan is administered by The Principal Group and receives discounts based on their purchasing agreements. This arrangement will be affected by The Principal Group’s announcement that they are phasing out doing business in the health insurance market (see letter). The financial impact won’t be known until plan renewal time.
Class 2011/12 2010/11
Residential 48.53% 46.9%
Agricultural 69.02% 66.3%
Commercial 100.00% 100.00%
Industrial 100.00% 100.00%
2. SERGEANT HAMELL: In the packet is a letter acknowledging Sergeant Ron Hamell for “wonderful service” by helping an individual who showed signs of a stroke in a local restaurant on September 23. Hats off to Ron!!
3. BUILDINGS ON SQUARE: On September 28 John Hoyman received a call from one of the attorneys indicating the One Stop insurance company filed several new motions and requested a 6-month delay of the December 14 court date.
Chuck Burgin is working with Savage/Ver Ploeg and design of safety improvements is underway and will continue per council direction.
4. CARLISLE/NORWALK: Norwalk is asking to re-schedule the October 14 joint meeting to October 28.
5. COUNCIL/TRUSTEES: The Indianola Development Association will conduct a strategic planning session in Mid-October so delaying this agenda item with the trustees from October 11 to December would be beneficial. IDA intends to bring a business plan to the council/trustees and will need adequate time for preparation.
The joint discussion regarding Qwest’s pole relocation can also be delayed.
6. BEGGARS NIGHT: This year’s beggars night is scheduled for October 30 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
7. PRINCIPAL SELLING MEDICAL BUSINESS: The City/IMU self-insured plan is administered by The Principal Group and receives discounts based on their purchasing agreements. This arrangement will be affected by The Principal Group’s announcement that they are phasing out doing business in the health insurance market (see letter). The financial impact won’t be known until plan renewal time.
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