1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is Tuesday (Monday is Labor Day) September 8 at 6:00 pm.
2. CONCRETE PLANT: Chuck Burgin and I met with the Bollanders and there are 2-3 potential sites in the industrial park that will be reviewed. There is still significant concern about the cost of a relocation. We’ll meet again in 3 weeks which gives time for site plan and cost estimate development.
3. “Y” STREET UPDATE: The majority of the grading on phases 2 and 3 is complete. Most of the telephone line conflicts are complete except for the intersection of Euclid and “Y”. Unfortunately minimal work was performed due to the wet weather in the past week. 25 working days have been used out of the 116 specified.
4. W HWY 92: The meeting in Ames on the 27th outlined the responsibilities of the various departments involved in the project, i.e. right-of-way acquisition, engineering, project administration and environmental. Progress continues.
However, IDOT’s Brian Morrissey could not say when the remainder of the highway (to I-35) would be completed. At this time is appears the DOT is interested only in the stretch from “R” to R-57. It may take more local effort to get the remainder in the 5-year plan.
5. BALLOON MUSUEM DITCH: Finance Director Laurie Hebl reports the culvert extension/drainage repair will be recommended as part of the I-Jobs program that pays 50%. The city will have to pay the remaining $188,000 of the estimated $376,000 project.
A recommendation will be brought to council in the next few weeks.
6. LEGISLATORS: Diana Bowlin reports Staci Appel and Kent Sorensen are available November 16 which is a normal council meeting. We can begin at 6:00 with our representatives and then move into remaining agenda.
7. BURN PITS: Chief Brian Seymour reports he’s received a complaint or two regarding the covered burning devices people often use in their back yards for entertainment. Brian does not have concerns about them because they are covered and used to burn wood as opposed to leaves or garbage. The state code also allows them under its open burning section.
While the Indianola code does not address them Brian is going to work with John this winter to determine whether a reference to them is warranted.
8. FIRE TRUCK: Brian Seymour reports there were three bids on the 1986 equipment truck and the high was from the city of Milo for $6,666,66. $5,000 was the highest trade so selling was a good option. Milo picked up the unit on August 27.
9. RETAIL BAGS: This month’s meeting was delayed because the bags have yet to arrive, and, it is not sure when they’ll be here. Until we know, we cannot plan a weekend to sell them (to replace the plastic bags).
The committee still anticipates a promotion in early October.
10. RAINFALL: As of August 27th, we received 2.8 inches of rain and Dan Miers reports they didn’t experience any sanitary sewer overflows or basement backup complaints. All the lifts stations and North Treatment Plant maintained flows. Our total flow went from 1.39 million gallons on the 26th to 7.91 million gallons on the 27th. While sewer main repairs to date have a positive effect, Dan Miers reports the dry ground was also a significant factor.
11. SQUARE BUILDINGS: Since there appears to be little progress regarding the square building replacement/renovations, Community Development Office Manager Mindi Robinson is scheduling a meeting for next week. Attendees include owners, lawyers, insurance reps and the city.
12. 19TH STREET: Chuck Burgin, John Hoyman and I continue to work with attorney David Swinton to reach a settlement on the 19th Street repairs. The street defaulted badly well within the bond period and has temporarily been repaired. A full replacement is the ultimate solution toward which we are working.