Friday, October 31, 2008

Multiple Sanitary Sewer Service Taps

With our Infiltration and Inflow Program (intended to remove storm water from the sanitary sewer system), we are finding multiple properties connected to the same sanitary sewer service. A sanitary sewer service is the pipe that carries sewage from a home to the public sewer main. Multiple taps occur when more than one home is connected to the same sanitary sewer service. Though once allowed, such connections are prohibited today because they can create problems in the following ways.

· Sewage from one or more homes can back up in another home
· When backups occur, it is very difficult to determine the source of sewage
· Sewer services are typically 4 or 6 inches in diameter and not feasible for cleaning as are 8-inch public sewer mains
· Services are usually on private property and can be difficult to access due to fences, shrubbery, driveways and even buildings

When city staff encounters multiple service taps, the affected property owners are notified and asked to correct the problem by separating the services. Sometimes this requires installing a public sewer to serve their homes. In such cases, the city has worked with property owners by hiring a contractor and spreading the cost to the homeowner over a ten-year period. Payments have even been placed on monthly utility bills to lessen the burden of cost.

With the I&I program moving into the more mature area of our community, it is likely city staff will find more of these multiple services. In some cases, property owners are thankful and relieved that their sewer backup recurring problems can be resolved.

If you have a question as to your service, feel free to contact the Sanitary Sewer Department at 961-9416 for assistance.