West Highway 92
IDOT sponsored a meeting on August 19 from 5-7 PM at the Activity Center to provide information about possible improvements to Highway 92 west of Indianola to Interstate 35. Earth Tech, an engineering firm from Waterloo, IA, performed a study/environmental assessment.
In short, the proposed improvements include widening Hwy 92 from “R” Street to R-63 to a minimum of 3 lanes (center turning lane) and potentially up to 5 lanes (center turning lane). From R-63 to Interstate 35 the proposal is an “improved two” which straightens corners, lowers hills, provides turning and passing lanes. Keep in mind this stretch of highway has not been significantly improved since it was built about 1930.
The next step is to convince the IDOT Commission to place the project into its 5-year paving plan which is no easy feat considering the shortage of money and the number of projects. Over the next several months a delegation of city, county and state representatives will attend Commission meetings to make the request.
The study by Earth Tech was funded by a congressional allocation that was made possible by Congressman Latham with assistance from Congressman Boswell. No local funds were used.