Rail Road Right of Way
Are you tired of driving over the hump on Highway 65/69 just south of Euclid Avenue and in front of the Well Fargo Bank Complex? Well, in several weeks the hump will be gone.The IDOT has contracted with Sternquist Construction (thru a bid process) to remove and replace the hump. The project will involve removing about 110 feet of highway and is scheduled to begin sometime in mid-June. However a preconstruction meeting has not been scheduled so that date may change.
Because the project will close the entire highway, traffic will be detoured onto East Iowa Avenue, 15th Street, Highway 92 and back to Hwy 65/69. During that time there will be no-parking on Iowa and 15th, and, 4-way stop signs will be installed at Iowa and 15th (parking and stop signs are subject to council approval on June 16). Depending on weather, the project should take about 30 days.
While there will be inconvenience, the good news is that no businesses will lose access to their property. Either Highway 65/69 or Euclid Avenue can be used to access the Wells Fargo complex, NAPA, La Casa and other area businesses.