A preconstruction meeting was held on March 25 and the following "tentative" schedule was provided. I stress tentative because weather and other factors can and will affect the project.
The contractor is Nuckolls Construction Services
The engineer is Veenstra and Kimm
Project is divided into two phases--east end to "W" is phase 1; "W" to "Y" is Phase 2
Paving will extend to about 90' east of "Y" Street
Nuchols may begin work on the box culvert (east end) April 7
Phase 1 clearing and grubbing may begin April 7
Phase 1 underground utilities, subdrain work may begin May 7
Paving Phase 1 may begin June 19
Phase 2 may begin July 22
Phase 2 subdrain work may begin July 31
Paving Phase 2 may begin August 6
Sidewalks and driveways on the entire project may begin August 21
Project completion is estimated for September 11
The contractor has 90 working days to complete project
I hope this is helpful and again, I need to stress "tentative". The above information provides residents a general timeline for the project.