The Iowa House, in a whirlwind fashion last week, passed amendment H8164 to H2645 that opens the scope of collective bargaining to include, among other items, the right for public unions to negotiate staff levels, hours of work/shifts; determination of insurance carriers and uniforms/equipment. In all, there are about 15 new areas that public employers (cities, counties and schools) would have to include in bargaining.
Needless to say, public employers across the state have been contacting their legislators to vote against adding new items because of the increased cost it will have on taxpayers. Opening these areas to collective bargaining may well increase staff levels which are a public employers most expensive asset.
Historically, staffing has been the responsibility of your elected officials including councils, county supervisors and school board members.
Unfortunately the Senate passed pass this legislation on Monday evening and Senator Staci Appel voted for opening the scope of bargaining in HF2645 even though council members and school board members strongly urged her to vote against the amendment. Representative Mark Davitt also voted for the amendment against the recommendations of mayors, council members and staff as well.
The bill now goes to the desk of Governor Chet Culver and we are hopeful he vetoes the bill.
Indianola's has two unions. One represents Police, Sewer, Street and Park employess and the other represents Electric and Water employees.