Friday, January 11, 2013

City Manager's Blog January 14, 2013

Budget Draft Complete
With the revised budget process in place, the staff has done a tremendous job in preparing the draft budget for council review and discussion on the 14th.  Jean, Diane, and Skye have done an exceptional job in putting together all the pieces for the budget draft.  As you know, this process is designed to give council additional time to review and provide direction on the allocation of available funds in the coming year.  I hope you find this process more engaging and valuable in understanding the overall financial direction of the city. Following the discussion at the study session Monday night, Council will have nearly two months to review, discuss, revise, and/or change allocations prior to final approval due in March.  I look forward to working with the Council and staff in finalizing the City of Indianola budget and thank all the staff who has worked in the development of the FY 14 budget document.

Phase 4 I & I to Begin
The 4th and final stage of the public improvements to the sewer system is set to begin this month.  Last month the council approved the contract to proceed with the work to line, repair, and update the system per recommendations from our engineers. Currently the Community Development department is working to acquire the remaining construction easements.  Thirty-three easements have been obtained to date allowing the work to proceed as planned.  Staff will also work with private homeowners to address any inflow issues that may be present within the system.  This has been a very challenging and expensive mandated project for not only the city, but also many homeowners.  Discussion on the best way to assist our residents in dealing with this initiative and the associated expense will continue at the budget workshop on the 14th.

Road Maintenance
With the snow quickly disappearing with the nice temperatures of late, we once again begin the annual battle of dealing with potholes and cracking in our streets associated with the freezing and thawing that occurs this time of year.  I have no doubt the winter is far from over, but Street Department staff will be working the next couple of weeks addressing any issues that arise due to the ever changing weather and ongoing ice and water associated with the melting snow.  If you receive any complaints or spot an issue, do not hesitate to let me or the street department staff know so we can make the necessary repairs to get through the remainder of the winter season.

School Security/Safety
Interim Chief Hamell and the Indianola Police Department are working on the ongoing effort and concern nationwide of keeping our schools safe.  We continue to be reminded that we unfortunately live in a society were extra precautions must be undertaken to keep our children safe.   Representatives from the IPD and school officials will be meeting January 17th to continue the dialogue on the best strategy to keep our schools as safe as possible. Ongoing efforts to evaluate and assess the security needs at our various school buildings by both the Indianola School System as well as the IPD will allow us to identify the best security strategy going forward.