Friday, June 24, 2011

News Items 06-27-11

1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is Tuesday July 5 at 6:00 pm.

2. JULY 4 CELEBRATION: Festivities begin for the ALL AMERICAN CELEBRATION on Monday, July 4 at 9:00 am till noon at Pickard Park. There will be a Carousel Theater presentation of “1776” at 2:00 pm in the High School Auditorium and then more activities at the Balloon Field from 5:00 pm to 10:30 pm. More information can be found at

3. STORM WATER: The Sewer Dept is televising East Iowa Avenue mains upstream from the 8th & Franklin neighborhood and finding many services still running clear water. This area was tested and corrected in 2003 but problems are occurring.

These properties will receive notices to repair their infiltration as they would be contributing to the downstream backups around 8th and Franklin.

FYI—There are flooding problems on E Iowa Ave (see letter) that the city will try to relieve with silt removal of a drainage way and possible enlargement of a culvert under the McVey Trail. However, the culvert will be reviewed by V&K to ensure the problem is not relocated downstream. This area has had flooding issues for many, many years regardless of previous attempts to mitigate them.

4. SIDEWALKS: The intern in the Community Development Dept completed the sidewalk inspection this week. 210 sidewalk repair (includes 10 on the square) letters and 378 tree trimming letters will be sent on Monday to property owners.

FYI—The city performs a sidewalk inspection about every 2 years for safety and liability reasons. Typically at the end of the season the city bids the repairs that owners have failed to do.

5. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES: Intern Chelsea Fulton researched a prescription drug program sponsored by the National League of Cities that provides a 20% discount for citizens that do not have prescription drug insurance. The annual NLC membership fee is about $1,400 and the potential savings to residents is projected at $2,400/year.

Chelsea will present a recommendation to council on July 5.

6. I&I: Finance Director Jean Furler reports the city has spent $4.285 million for the Infiltration/Inflow Program and the same amount has been either received or requested from the State Revolving Loan Fund.

FYI—Supt Dan Miers and City Attorney John Hoyman are preparing letters for 24 property owners who have failed to repair their I&I issue after the two-year notice. The municipal infractions process will begin in mid-July.

7. RE-DISTRICTING: With a new census the city is required to keep wards within a 10% variation in population so every 10 years the boundaries get moved. This year intern Chelsea Fulton is working with Ryan Lafreutz of the Warren County to provide an option or two that will be presented to council in July or August.

8. W EUCLID ASSESSMENTS: In the packet is a Procendo/Bill of Cost from the Iowa Supreme Court showing the total court costs of $3,171.12. The Court assessed 75% ($2,378.34) of the fees to the six property owners and 25% ($792.78) to the city.

9. RECYCLE CONTRACT: The city’s recycle contract with McCoy Sanitation will end December 31, 2011 so City Clerk Diana Bowlin is preparing an RFP to send in June. A recommendation will be brought to council in September.

10. WEB PAGE: Information Technology Manager Kurt Ripperger reports the new web site can provide statistics about visits. Some are provided below:

32,203 visits from 56 countries since April 15, 2011.

31,836 of those visits were from the United States--26,618 from Iowa, 1,003 from Minnesota, 1,003, 593 from Illinois and 590 from California

16,000 were from Indianola; 7,688 from Des Moines, 412 from West Des Moines and 403 from Urbandale

The average Indianola user spent 2 minutes 46 seconds on the site and visited an average of 2.67 pages.

The average of all users was 2 minutes 40 seconds and 2.98 pages translating to 95,686 pages viewed in the last two months.

The main home page was viewed most with 16,513 hits followed by the Library home page with 15,068 hits and Parks & Rec home page with 9,406 hits.

The top non-Library/non-Park & Rec pages viewed were:

Job openings - 1,775
Departments - 1,478
Calendar - 1,255
Fire - 932
"I Want to" tab - 833
Police - 748

9. BALLOON MUSEUM DRAINAGE: The contractor will grade and seed the drainage area given our moderate and weather. However, if it does not take, they’ll return in September to over seed.

10. NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT GRANT: Chief Steve Bonnett learned this week that the federal grant that funds the Mid Iowa Narcotics Enforcement (MINE) program will end June 30. $30,000 was budgeted for FY 11/12 so the agencies will meet to discuss options and provide a recommendation in July or August.

Friday, June 17, 2011

News Items June 20, 2011


TO: Mayor and Council
DATE: June 16, 2011

1. HWY 65/69 CORRIDOR STUDY: The powerpoint presentation by Snyder’s Mark Perington on Monday the 13th is in the packet. The study will be on the July 5 agenda for formal council consideration.

2. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE: In the packet is a Resolution Adopting Revenue Purpose Statement from the proposed electric franchise fee. Note that the fee is only for Mid American customers and is consistent with IMU’s payment in lieu of tax.

Ivan Webber (Ahlers Firm) reports condemnation is purely a local decision and there is no particular advantage/disadvantage to allowing MAE to condemn or leaving it to the city. It can be decided when council sets a hearing date on July 5 for July 20.

If removed, the city would have to condemn on behalf of MAE should the need arise. If left in, the city does not have control of that decision.

3. TAX REVENUES: Revenue thru June is just over 100%. Very good news!

4. STORM RECOVERY: About 127 calls were received resulting from last week’s record rain and 117 households had damaged items removed from their parking this week and Thursday the 21st.

Also, two Project Recovery Iowa Teams from the Dept of Human Services went thru the neighborhoods on June 16 and 17 educating residents about counseling, education services and additional assistance. Project Recovery Iowa is funded by a grant from FEMA under the direction of Polk County Health Services.

In the packet is a letter regarding a 4-plex on E Iowa that flooded last week. I advised the owner the city would clean the culverts and drainage ditches to help improve flow.

5. LIBRARY: The Library is getting new carpeting and lighting this summer and the Board set the following schedule:

The Library will be closed completely from August 4-7 (Thursday through Sunday). In addition, should it be necessary, it will close early on Wednesday, August 3 so that the carpet installers can begin removing the carpet. The carpet will not be done by August 7. Additional early closings might be necessary but the hope is that the carpet installer can bring in a crew to work overnight after closing. The work needed to add additional floor outlets in the middle of the building will be done on August 4. Preparatory work will begin on August 2.

During this time the staff will be doing some much needed housecleaning, pulling data cables, packing up desks so that "all systems are go" when it's time to do the staff area, and moving books on bottom shelves for the carpet people.

A question was raised at Monday’s meeting about the size of the Library. It has about 9,800 sq. ft. of finished space.

6. STREET WIDTH: Building Inspector Rich Parker surveyed metro cities for the minimum width of their residential streets and found the following:

• Des Moines – 26’
• Clive – 26’
• West Des Moines – 26’
• Waukee – 25’
• Newton – 26’

7. AMBULANCE: 3 bids were received on the 17th to replace the 2000 with 133,700 miles. $160,000 is budgeted for FY 11/12 and the low was $152,497.00. Chief Brian Seymour is reviewing the proposals and will have a recommendation at the July 5 council meeting.

8. MCVAY TRAIL: There is some severe erosion approaching the trail just north of the High School. The record rains in 2010 and 2011 are the cause. V&K’s Forrest Aldrich will tour the trail next week and provide recommendations.

9. HORTICULTURIST: Kathy Nutting submitted her two-week notice and intends to become a minister. She has been with the city since August 1, 2000 and will be missed. We wish her the best!

Glen Cowan and Mike Bowlin are reviewing the job description for possible changes.

10. SOUTH PLANT: Neuvirth Construction has requested a 2 month contract extension due to weather related delays.

The completion date would change from June 17th to August 19th, contingent on when lagoon discharge will start.

The change order will be placed on the July 5 agenda for approval. Dan Miers and V&K’s Becky Ford will recommend approval.

11. ROOF REPLACEMENT: During Phase 3 construction at the South Plant Lift Station, contractors working on the blower building noticed the roof leaking above the electrical panel (see memo). V&K Engineering inspected the roof and recommended replacing it. It is original from 1978. 3 bids were received:

• Central States Roofing – Des Moines - $10,540
• Hedberg & Son Roofing – Des Moines - $9,600
• Superior Roofing – Altoona - $9,650

Dan Miers reviewed the quotes, and recommends accepting Hedberg & Son Roofing for the roof replacement. Funds are budgeted under plant/grounds maintenance so we will proceed with the Hedberg Quote.

Friday, June 10, 2011

News Items June 13, 2011

1. WELLNESS CENTER: Three architect interviews were conducted by the committee (Ken Bresnan, Chuck Burgin, Vernon Delpasce, Vicky Foresman, Jill Johnson, Todd Kielkopf, John Sirianni, Mike Teigland, Mark Vickroy, Tim Zisoff) on Tuesday the 7th and a firm will be recommended at the June 20 council meeting.

Negotiations/discussions continue on the Summercrest Hills Development Agreement and land purchase agreement.

2. REDISTRICTING: Staff is working on a new city redistricting map based on the new population census number (14,782). The draft map will be brought to council study on July 11.

3. STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Snyder’s Jenifer Croat asked to delay committee discussion of the 2011 replacement project until July 11 when more information will be available.

4. SUMP PUMP DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin sent RFP’s for sump pump tile drains (in parkings) for W. Euclid, W. Jackson, North “K” and E. Ashland. These tiles are placed in the parkings and property owners connect their sump pumps to them to minimize water issues in the neighborhoods. Storm Water Utility revenues fund these projects that have been very popular with residents.

A recommendation will be on the June 20 Council agenda.

5. WEATHER: The city received around 7” of rain from early Thursday morning thru Friday morning. Consequently many basements had water and/or sewage. The staff did its best to work with home owners.

We received approximately 60 phone calls regarding sewer/water in residential basements. Due to amount of calls, the City of Indianola will be contracting for free curbside pickup of flood and backup damaged items for city residents. Citizens can call City Hall at 961-9410 by noon on Monday, June 13th to be put on the curbside pickup list. Items will need to be placed on the curb no later than 5:00 pm on the 13th.

Actual pickup will begin on the morning of the 14th.

6. TRAFFIC SIGNAL: The signal at 12th and E Hwy 92 (high school) will be modified by the Indianola Schools to accommodate the new driveway entering the Middle School (see map). The signal is primarily a pedestrian crossing now and only goes red (east/west) when the ped crossing button is pushed. The modifications will include loop detectors to call for e/w red when cars are on the north or south legs.

7. STOP SIGN: It came to our attention that a few neighbors were concerned about a southbound stop sign on Fairway at Orchard (council set a hearing date for June 20). After discussing with Tab Bartling and the resident asking for the stop sign, a yield will be recommended instead. The change will be discussed at the June 20 public hearing.

Friday, June 3, 2011

News Items 06-06-11

1. WELLNESS CENTER: Three architect firms will be interviewed Tuesday the 7th in the council chambers.

2. FY 10/11 BUDGET: In the packet is the May budget report showing departmental budget figures. I am happy to report revenues are at about 97% and expenses about 85%. A job well done by department heads!!

3. UTILITY BILLING: Billing Clerk Lindsey Offenburger reports 162 customers receive their bill online and 1250 pay online. The numbers are growing but we are working to get more online bills to reduce paper and postage.

4. TAX REVENUES: Revenues thru May are 99.35% and slightly ahead of last years total. Good news!

5. SAFETY REPORT: In the packet is the first quarterly safety report.