Friday, April 30, 2010

News Items - May 3, 2010

1. MEMORIAL TRAIL: The trail has been completed from the Memorial Pool Parking lot through the southern end of Buxton Park. IMU has completed their electrical conversion from the power poles that in conflict with the trail however, we anticipate delays because Qwest and Mediacom have not removed their equipment from electrical poles east of Buxton Park.

2. AG DEFERMENT: We received an ag deferment request for the North “Y” Street paving project (packet) on Monday. The property owner was not aware that they had to request an exemption until they received the final assessment. This will be placed on the May 17th council agenda. Staff will recommend approval of the request.

3. AMPHITHEATER: Grading has started and is approximately 75% complete. Due to rain, the project is 2-3 days behind schedule. Storm water piping, wall footings and retaining walls are to be completed by May 12.

The Parks & Recreation Commission will have a groundbreaking ceremony on Saturday, May 15, 10:00 a.m. so please save this date. Invitations and publicity will be going out on May 3.

Following is a schedule for the project:
Storm Water Piping, Footings and Walls May 5-12
Walk with Stairs May 13-18
Stage Floor May 19-20
Walkways May 21-24
Retaining Wall & Access Drive May 24-18
Back Stage Room Block Walls May 15-June 10
Final Grade & Seed June 10

4. SIGN: The footing and sign frame have been installed for the Community LED Sign. Weather permitting, the block work will begin next week and the installation of the reader board the week of May 11.

Friday, April 23, 2010

News Items - April 26, 2010

1. ALLEY: Cemen Tech’s Gary Ruble has a potential solution to make the hand-printed alley on the Square’s north side more pedestrian friendly. The solution is to fill the prints with grout and then use a grinder to smooth the edges. Our Street Dept will power wash the surface and Cemen Tech employees will follow with the grout. The tentative plan is try this option next week.

2. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE: Per the January 11, 2010 committee discussion (see minutes), staff is preparing an electric franchise fee ordinance that would place the fee on MidAmerican Energy's (MAE) territory within the city limits. The fee would be consistent with the 5% in-lieu of tax paid by our own electric utility, however, the ordinance will include both private and municipal utilities.

The proposed schedule will be as follows: January 1, 2011 1%
January 1, 2012 2%
January 1, 2103 3%
January 1, 2104 4%
January 1, 2015 5%

The proposed graduated schedule eases the financial burden and also allows our electric utility to maintain a stable rate structure in light of the recent $9,000,000 revenue bond issuance for the East Side Underground Conversion Project (due to a profitability requirement in the bond resolution that cannot be changed). Note that the electric utility (according to Todd), will continue its transfers so that the total of the PILOT and franchise fee equals 5% each year, even though the ordinance will start at 1% and increase to 5% annually, as per the intent of the 2005 resolution previously adopted by Trustees.

Each percent will generate about $2,400 annually (Todd's estimate) given MAE's current energy consumption within the city limits. That amount will grow with energy consumption.

In the packet is a map showing territories of each utility.

3. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT: There has been standing water in the drainage-way in front of Noble Ford and Stew Hansen’s since the water and sewer mains were installed several years ago. Chuck Burgin is consequently getting quotes from two contractors to install tile to remove the standing water. A recommendation will be brought to council in May.

4. LINCOLN RIDGE: Attorney Tom Fisher indicates an ag deferral for no more than 10 years is acceptable if development does not occur. Principal and interest payments would begin after 10 years until development (on either side of the paving) occurs.

The agreement and plat will be on the May 3 council agenda.

5. AMBULANCE BILLING: The Ambulance Dept provides billing for Carlisle, Martensdale, Melcher-Dallas and Norwalk. With the increased workload from additional calls, we plan to increase the hours/week from 20 to 35 by moving Vicki Herald from the Clerks Office to ambulance billing after July 1. Vicki is part time and works in the Clerks Office (15) and ambulance billing (20).

We are looking at options to fill the void in the Clerks Office and a part time person will be explored. The billing fee was raised in January from $25 to $30/call generating an additional $4,500 annually in order to pay for the additional hours.

A recommendation will be brought in several weeks.

6. WIND TURBINE ORDINANCE: The Metro Advisory Council model wind turbine ordinance is in the packet and will be placed on the May 11 P&Z meeting for review. Depending on preference, the ordinance can be placed on a council or committee agenda.

7. MAY 3 MEETING: Steve Richardson is unable to attend the May 3 meeting.

8. HEALTH INSURANCE: RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I met with Benefit Source’s Debbie Dean on the 22nd and reviewed renewals for July 1. Re-insurance fees came in around 4% higher and third party administration fees actually dropped (greater pharmacy rebates) and given our reserve is in excess of $800,000 there is a reasonable chance the monthly premiums will remain the same for FY 10/11.

9. SEWER PUMP: Supt Dan Miers reports an in-plant pump failed and will cost about $9,800 to replace. The 32-year old pump supplies water to much of the system and is an integral part of the plant process. Fortunately funds are budgeted annually for this type of failure.

10. D&D: The property the city purchased in 2007 located at 507 E. 2nd may have an interested buyer according the Community Development Director Chuck Burgin. Negotiations are taking place and if successful a recommendation will be brought to council. The city purchased the property thru the Dangerous and Dilapidated program for $21,000 and spent to $7,005 remove the building.

11. PROCEDURAL RULES: In your packet are draft copies of City Council Procedural Rules. Changes are noted in red on drafts submitted by Bob and
Shirley and one by Steve. Please review and let me know your comments.
This item will be placed on the May 3 council agenda.

12. SUSTAINABILITY FAIR: The sustainability fair was well attended despite the rain. Approximately 220 people were in attendance and visited local green vendors.

Friday, April 16, 2010

News Items - April 19, 2010

1. HEALTH INSURANCE: RoxAnne Hunerdosse reports Benefit Source’s Debbie Dean will have re-insurance quotes next week and premiums can be established for July 1. Thus far it has been a good year and our reserved increased to over $823,000. Good news!

The not so good news is the potential affect of the new nationwide health legislation that Rox highlights below:

• The July 2011 renewal will be impacted by:
o Lifting lifetime benefit limits
o Free preventative services to plan participants
o Dependents covered up to the age of 26 even if married and/or living out-of-state
• By 2014 the health insurance exchange is established, the city will have over 100 employees (full and some part-time) and therefore not eligible to pay for vouchers ($2,000) to have employees purchase their own insurance through the exchange.
• The city will be required to pay health insurance premiums for regular part-time employees
• Timelines and regulations may change as details are finalized at the federal and state levels.

2. BRAVO: In the packet is the revised Bravo membership fee. The cost is as follows:

Annual Tax Rate Cumulative
FY 10/11 $ 2,500 .6 cents $ 2,500
FY 11/12 $ 6,135 1.5 cents $ 8,635
FY 12/13 $ 9,828 2.3 cents $18,463
FY 13/14 $13,463 3.2 cents $31,986
FY 14/15 $16,656 4.0 cents $48,582

The fee begins with a partial payment and eventually represents a full 2/7th of the current 7% hotel/motel tax revenue. If a new motel is built in Indianola, the costs increase by 2/7ths of the new motel revenue as well.

Organizations that may receive Bravo funding include the National Balloon Classic, Warren County Historical Society, and Indianola Schools. Simpson College is not eligible as a private college, but, it may qualify for up to $25,000 based on its relationship with the Des Moines Metro Opera which already receives about $50,000 annually.

MD Isley and Scott Cirksena will attend the May 10 committee meeting to discuss the proposal.

3. PUBLIC SAFETY STORAGE: $100,000 is budgeted in FY 11 for the storage building located east of Arby’s (see map). Staff will begin the process to hire an engineer and given the cost and type of building, we will simply solicit quotes from local professionals.

A recommendation will be made in a few weeks.

4. SHARED SERVICES: Meetings were conducted on Wednesday the 14th with two neighborhood groups at 1st Street and E Iowa Avenue to discuss shared service solutions and Infiltration/Inflow. The owners will meet amongst themselves and let Supt Dan Miers know what options are preferred.

Staff will provide recommendations in the next several weeks and given the number of shared services the Sewer Dept is finding, more are sure to come.

5. SQUARE ALLEY: Quotes have been received to grind the “handprint” alley on the north side of the square, and, to remove/relocate it. The surface is not favorable to pedestrian traffic. A recommendation will be brought to council in May.

6. RULES OF PROCEDURE: In the packet is a copy of Iowa Code section 372.13 (5) indicating councils shall adopt rules of procedure.

7. ZONING: In the packet are the code sections indicating permitted uses in industrial, and residential zones.

8. FD GRANT: Brian Seymour reports we did not receive funding for the Fire Department expansion. Our $2.5 million grant application was among the $10 billion requested. Only $210 million was available.

9. APPLIANCES: Due to a misprint in the April 7 RH&T indicating free appliance drop-off at the brush facility, we’ve instructed staff to accept them this week. Diana Bowlin contacted Midwest Recovery and they will pick up appliances from the facility on Saturday since they will be there accepting tv’s/monitors.

10. SWEEPER: The sweeper has been idled for 10 days due to a failed pump. Several calls were received about getting the streets swept and we’re happy to say it is back in service as of Wednesday the 14th.

11. GOALS/PRIORITIES: Per the discussion at the April 12 committee meeting, goal/priorities will be placed on the June or July agenda.

12. MEDIACOM: On or about May 1, 2010 Mediacom will change the following fees:

Service Old Rate New Rate
Directory Assistance $1.75 $2.50
Voicemail $4.95 $5.95
Digital Plus Pkg $10.00 $12.00
HBO ala carte $14.95 $16.95
Digital Video Recorder Service $9.95 $10.95
Late Fee $5.00 $7.50

13. TRAIL PROJECT: The project started on April 6 and the portion from Memorial
Park to North “E” Street by the Simpson Field is complete. Next week the trail will
continue eastward toward the highway. The first pay estimate will be placed in the
claims May 3.

14. STREET CLOSURE: We received a street closure request from The Garage on
April 12, 2010 to close the alley between The Garage and Ground Zero (from
Ashland Avenue ½ block north ) on the following Bike Night dates May 21, June 18,
July 16, August 20 and September 17. They paid the $50 since it was not received
within the 60 days. The request will be placed on the May 3 council agenda for
consideration. He has also requested a band (noise permit) for those dates as well.

15. NOISE PERMITS: Over the years the police chief has given approval for loud noise from (mostly) bands for various events such as Bike Nite and Simpson’s September event for returning students. However, there are often complaints (usually one or two people) from neighboring residents and the process has become somewhat controversial.

The solution (staff perspective) is to have a formal process (similar to street closures) that provides more information and ultimately council approval (if complaints are received). The proposed application form is in the packet.

Highlights include:

• The City Manager and Police Department shall review all applications
• All application will be approved or denied by the Indianola Police Chief
• Events that have received prior complaints, or, are multiple days shall have council approval
• Applications need to be received no later than 60 days prior to the event, if less staff will deny but may be appealed to the city council, but a $50 late fee shall be assessed
• Multiple events may be requested on one application in a single year
• The Indianola Police Department reserves the right to order noise reduction or to cancel any permit

This will be placed on the May 3 council agenda.

Friday, April 9, 2010

News Items - April 12, 2010

1. BRAVO: A revised membership proposal was not received this week although their executive board was to review it on Tuesday. MD Isley asked for additional information on Wednesday the 7th so it may still need further consideration. The item will be placed on a future agenda when received.
2. NORTH Y PROJECT: The project is complete and final acceptance will be on the April 19 agenda.

Costs are as follows:

Engineer’s Estimate* Contract Bid Actual Cost*
$1,146,801 $926,801.00 $1,146,460.00

*Includes construction $923,900, engineering $207,580, legal $6,000 and administrative $8,980,

Project revenues are: Federal Stimulus $ 495,000.00
STP $ 260,283.45
Assessments $ 307,762.48
City $ 83,414.07
Total $1,146,460.00

Based on the above, V&K’s Jeremy Enano estimates the assessments at about $40-$45/ft. His earlier estimate in the $55 range did not include the Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds. Also, the assessment costs do not include sidewalks since they were not part of the project.

FYI—The W Euclid assessments were about $85/ft ($75 for paving and $10 for sidewalks) and did not include Federal Stimulus funding.

3. TRAIL: TK began paving the trail from the water tower south to the Memorial Pool parking lot. Depending on weather, next week they plan to pave east of the water tower area along Girard.

4. LINCOLN RIDGE PLAT: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin reports that a 35-duplex subdivision (same as current subdivision already in Lincoln Ridge) plat is being considered on the northeast portion of Lincoln Ridge (see map). However, the developer only wants to extend paving south from N 9th and not continue thru to existing paving. Chuck and I discussed a couple options including :

• Deny the plat unless the developer paves the entire street
• City pave the southern 400’ and the property owner accepts a voluntary assessment. Since the 400’ is surrounded by ag land a deferral could cost the city up to $4,000 annually in interest plus the principal. When the property develops (future), the city would receive the principal but the interest paid would be lost.

We spoke with the property owner and she is very reluctant to accept an assessment and not defer payment. She indicates it would delay or end the project.

A third option is a voluntary assessment where the property owner agrees to pay the annual interest on the assessment, and, then pays the principal/interest when the property develops. This compromise has the following advantages:

• The project will move forward
• The street will be paved so there will be north/south access and greater traffic flow
• The city does not lose interest payments
• 35 duplexes with an approximate $7 million value
• Affordable housing

The disadvantages are:

• The city makes a principal payment of about $10,000 until the property develops

I am working with Eric Boehlert of the Ahlers Law Firm to determine whether the voluntary assessment can be structured in this way. If so, I will bring a recommendation to committee for consideration.

3. PARK DEDICATION: In the packet is a revised Land Dedication ordinance by Ivan Webber. The changes include removing the monetary option part and changing section 171.2 to reflect city authority per Iowa Code and city home rule. Charles Becker was not interested in meeting and said that the Home Builders Association is opposed to all land dedication ordinances. He went on to say that the Home Builders believe Iowa Code section 354.8 which authorizes cities to require public improvements as a condition of platting is unconstitutional. However, Mr. Becker added that they have not decided to take the issue to court.

The ordinance will be placed on the May 10 committee agenda for review.

4. SHARED SERVICES: Supt Dan Miers and crew have located over 30 shared services in recent weeks. Many are easy fixes and some are quite difficult.

In the packet are maps showing North 1st and East Iowa shared services and the proposed solutions. Supt Miers hopes to schedule meetings next week with each of the neighborhood groups to discuss options. Any resolutions will be brought to council for consideration.

5. W 1ST AVENUE: I have had conversations with a resident on 1st and H Street about paving 1st between G and H Streets. The resident expressed interest and asked about costs and assessments. I provided some ballpark estimates and offered to meet with the neighborhood about the process.

6. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: Chuck Burgin and I met with local business people who expressed an interest in developing land east of 15th and north of Iowa Ave. Though very preliminary today, there is potential for an industrial park expansion.

7. DRIVEWAYS: The PD or Street Dept get occasional complaints about vehicles parked too close to a driveway entrance making ingress/egress difficult. The request is usually for the city to paint the curb yellow for 5-10’ on either side of the drive. However, the city normally resists because there are over 3,000 driveways in the community.

Steve Bonnett suggested an ordinance that limits parking within 8-10’ of a driveway so it is consistent throughout the city. He will work with John Hoyman and a recommendation may be brought to council.

8. CITY HALL SIGN: After the last meeting, Chuck Burgin suggests the existing sign at city hall (on Hwy 65/69) be removed per council request. It will be done once the new LED message board is in place.

The message board should be installed by May 10, subject to weather, according to John Parker.

Friday, April 2, 2010

News Items - April 5, 2010

1. BUILDING PERMITS: The Community Development Dept reports 7 single family dwelling permits issued thru March compared to 3 last year. Good news and hopefully a trend.

2. ROAD USE TAX: IDOT released new projections for the RUTF for FY 2010/11 and reduced the per capita amount from $92.50 to $90.50. Finance Director Laurie Hebl reports a consequent reduction of about $14,000 in “budgeted” revenue. Not good news.

3. MEMORIAL TRAIL PROJECT: Trail construction begins on Tuesday the 6th at Memorial Park and moves east to Summerset Trail (just north of E. Euclid). The most up-to-date figures for the trail project are:

Trail Construction $199,880
Engineering $ 23,435
Testing $ 4,700
Easements $ 2,680
Sign relocation $ 2,970
Total $233,665

Grant $147,570
City $ 63,245
US Cell $ 20,000
Total $230,815

There is a 5% contingency of $11,000 built into the project quantities so the cost may actually be less than $230,000. The project figures will be provided to elected officials when complete.

4. LIBRARY HVAC: At their March 30 meeting the Library Board authorized Iowa Geothermal to proceed with a test drill for $6,500. Barker Lemar’s quote was $8,100.

5. TREES PLEASE: MidAmerican’s Darla Vanderpool presented the Indianola Tree Committee a $1,000 check in March to plant trees in parks and public property. The trees will not only improve Indianola’s appearance but also help reduce the carbon footprint. Hats off to all!!

6. MEDIACOM CHANNELS: On or about April 27, Mediacom will make the following channel changes to digital:

Broadcast Basic Channels moving to digital New digital channel

Government Access 7 86*
Educational Access 12 85*
Public Access 17 84*
The College Channel 16 83*
HSN 15 15*

*Digital Broadcast Basic tier

In addition Mediacom is adding the following channels:

HD Channel Adds New Channel Adds
Spike HD 870**
Comedy HD 871**
Nick HD 877**
MTV HD 872**
CMT HD 875**
VH1 HD 873**

**These channels require an HDTV and HD box to view

7. SUSTAINABILITY MONTH: The following are the events scheduled for April as part of Indianola’s sustainability efforts. This calendar (packet) was also placed as an insert in the utility bills this month. Chris Longer and Mindi Robinson have done an excellent job programming the event for the second year.

April 7 Simpson College Campus Day
Week of April 11 Annual Spring Clean Up Week April 17 E-cycling Day-Brush Facility 9-4
Free tire recycling – Wal Mart 8-5
Spring Fun Fest-Fairgrounds-10-noon
April 22 Earth Day
April 23 Indianola Sustainability Fair-at IMU – 11:30-1:30
April 24 Cool Congregation Workshop-Trinity United
Presbyterian Church – 9-noon

8. APRIL 12 COMMITTEE: Below is a tentative agenda for April 12 that will begin at 6:00 or 6:30 p.m.:

• Joint meeting with the trustees to receive IDA’s progress report
• Joint meeting with trustees to review employee handbook policies/procedures
• Joint meeting to review FY 2008/09 audit
• Architectural design discussion for E Hillcrest
• Further discussion regarding sidewalk waivers
• Bravo contribution for FY 2010/11

Steve will be chair and Randy vice chair.

10. STREET CLOSURE POLICY: In the packet is a revised Street Closure Policy as discussed at the March 8 meeting. I spoke Corvette Club reps and they indicate they have insurance and will decide next year whether to hold an event if the “named-insured” is required. There was some concern about cost but they did not get a quote.

11. SURVEY: IDNR recently classified the Cavitt Creek drainage way as an A-3 which is casual use by humans including swimming/wading. The former classification was A-2 and does not include swimming/wading. The designation is important because the sewer plant effluent flows into Cavitt Creek and therefore is regulated depending on classification.

Supt Dan Miers, with the assistance of intern Chole Casber, is surveying residents in the area to determine their use of Cavitt Creek. Those results will be provided to IDNR for their review and possible re-classification of the stream.

12. SIDEWALK WAIVERS: Chuck Burgin is reviewing the sidewalk waivers and will have a report at the May committee meeting.

13. CITY TREASURER’S REPORT: In your packet is the February 2010 City Treasurer’s report which will be presented with the March report on April 19th.