Friday, February 27, 2009

News Items - March 2, 2009

1. DC TRIP: Council member Richardson will highlight the congressional visits at the meeting but the potential areas of funding include:

· Highway 92 – “R” Street through R-63 intersection
· North Hwy 65/69 Corridor Improvements
· Inflow and Infiltration Program
· “Y” Street Paving – Hwy 92 north to Euclid Avenue
· National Balloon Museum – slope repair/reconstruction
· Public Safety/City Hall Renovation
· Lake Ahquabi Park Cabins Infrastructure

2. CORRIDOR STUDY: IDOT’s Pete Tollenaire contacted me on the 25th to advise they would proceed with a corridor study under the Traffic Engineering Assistance Program. We are meeting on March 10 with IDOT and area developers to discuss the study and a cost share. A recommendation will be brought to council in several weeks.

The study will review the current 4-lane, divided highway north of Hillcrest Avenue to determine affect on development to the north. City staff prefers a review of an urban configuration similar to that south of Hillcrest.

FYI – Pete Tollenaire reports the DOT is using stimulus funds to overlay Hwy 65/69 from Des Moines south to Indianola (southbound lane to Hillcrest, northbound to Noble Ford). The project will be bid on March 31st. There will be discussion about how the overlay will coincide with the corridor study and possible reconfiguration.

3. W HWY 92 SEWER: Only two property owners (of seven) attended the informational meeting for the W Highway 92 Sanitary Sewer Project that extends east from “Y” about 1,425’.

The tentative project schedule is:

April 6, 2009 Council adopts preliminary resolution of necessity and
set public hearing
April 28, 2009 Receive and open bids
May 4, 2009 Public hearing and award of contract
June, 2009 Start construction

4. OLD SEWER PLANT: I spoke with a rep from the Indianola Country Club who asked about a possible lease of the 9.5 acres on Country Club Road. I indicated the city is open to options so I expect an offer may be tendered in the next month or so.

5. TAX REVENUES: Revenue collection thru February is down 1.25% over this time last year.

6. BALLOON MUSUEM DITCH: Laurie Hebl has filed a formal appeal to FEMA for the culvert extension north of the Balloon Museum.

7. LABOR CONTRACT: The Board of Trustees and utility union members approved their 2009-2012 contract.

8. HWY 65/69 TREE PLANTING GRANT: The Indianola Community Tree Committee is applying for a grant from the IDOT Living Roadway Trust Fund to purchase and plant 50 trees along the highway in front of Wal Mart and north just past Circle B. As with the other highway trees, the City of Indianola will be responsible for the maintenance for the life of the trees. The grant does not require matching funds. The amount needed for the project and being requested is $8,250. If awarded the grant, it is anticipated that the trees will be planted in April, 2009 as part of the Indianola Arbor Day Celebration activities.

9. RUT FUNDS: Below is RUT (gas tax) funding from 2008 and 2007:

Month 2008 2007
December $96,325.22 $102,896.87
November $114,196.07 $93,270.05
October $78,538.22 $107,672.25

Total received for 2008 and 2007 was $1,192,404.98 and $1,214,967.34 respectfully. These are alarming figures and are indicative of the diminishing cash balance. Unless expenses are reduced or revenues increased, the RUT fund will require a tax subsidy in 10/11.

FYI – RUT funds pay for all Street Department operations.

10. VACANT LOT: I’ve been contacted by a party interested in the lot on the southwest
corner of Hwy 92 and 65/69. An offer, if received, will be brought to council for
consideration in several weeks.

Friday, February 20, 2009

News Items - February 23, 2009

1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is March 2.

2. I&I PROGRAM: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports they are near complete on the review of Phases 1 & 2 and will present a report to committee on March 9. Once approved by council, V&K will submit a proposal to draft a plan/spec for repairs (point repair, liners) and send it to contractors for bids. We are hopeful a contract can be considered by council at the May 4 meeting. Estimated cost for these phases is $3 million. Total project cost is about $9 million.

FYI—During the review, the engineer and staff found some major defects in the system allowing significant storm water infiltration. Phases 1 & 2 should have a very positive impact on I&I removal.

A main located one half block north of East Highway 92 between 4th and 8th Streets (see map) will require a separate contract due to its limited access and inability to use normal methods of repair.

3. W HIGHWAY 92 SEWER: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich, Chuck Burgin and I met with Steve Darr to discuss the proposed sanitary sewer (see map) extension on W Hwy 92. Steve is receptive to the concept.

We also are scheduling a meeting next week to meet with north-side property owners. If everything continues to progress, we anticipate a summer project.

FYI: I will recommend the project be a “connect fee” (as opposed to an assessment) because of the new septic system installed by Herberger Construction. However, I will also recommend a lower assessment interest rate to encourage property owners to request voluntary assessments.

4. MUNICIPAL BUILDING RENOVATION: We have not receive the revised schedule. As soon as we receive it we will forward it to you.

5. SOUTH “Y”: Chuck Burgin opened three engineering proposals for South “Y” (paving) and a recommendation will be brought to a March council meeting. The quotes (includes resident review) are:

Garden and Associates $ 71,000
McClure $111,800
V&K $ 86,550

We are getting references from Garden on assessment projects with other cities.

FYI – Since North “Y” and South “Y” cannot be paved at the same time and the economies of scale are lost, I’ll recommend South “Y” paving be delayed until 2010.

6. 19th STREET: Chuck was informed that the attorney representing the grading contractor of 19th Street has asked the court to be released.

7. IMPOUNDING VEHICLES: Steve Bonnett drafted an amendment to the Impounding Vehicles ordinance that allows vehicles on public property right-of way that have outstanding /unpaid parking tickets to be impounded. It will be placed on the March 2 meeting for council consideration.

If approved, a hearing can be set for public input.

8. E CYCLE SHED: Work is near complete on the 10 x 15 building. Our thanks to the Street crew!

9. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: 55 applications have been received for the Accounts Payable Position. Laurie Hebl, Diana Bowlin and RoxAnne Hunerdosse will screen applications and conduct interviews next week.

10. BRUSH GRINDING: J. S. Services provided a quote of $9,450 to grind brush from the 2008 season. The other quote was $12,950 from Chamness Technology. A recommendation will be brought to Council March 2nd.

Friday, February 13, 2009

News Items - February 17, 2009

1. “Y” STREET: The “Y” Street paving project will be on the March 2 agenda to begin the legal process. The estimated $1.44 million project (including construction, engineering, legal, administration and contingency) will be funded as follows:

Federal Stimulus $495,000
City (taxes) $431,000
Assessments $514,000 ($378,000 is ag deferred)

Preliminary assessment is under $80/ft range. Actual project cost will determine the final assessments. The above figures do not include T21 funds which could be used to keep assessment amounts consistent with the West Euclid project. We are reviewing whether to use TIF or debt service levy to fund the city portion.

FYI—Final assessments on W Euclid are likely to be in the $84/ft range based V&K’s calculations. Therefore a 200’ lot will have an assessment of about $16,700 compared to the original estimate of $24,200.

2. CABLE FRANCHISE: A couple council members indicated they preferred more information about the fee and particularly its affect on Simpson College. According to Mayor Kelley, Simpson spends about $2,900 monthly on Mediacom cable and would therefore pay about $700 annually for a 2% increase. It should be noted students pay for cable through their various fees.

The $36,000 annual revenue (from 2%) equals about a 9 cent reduction on the tax rate ($11.45 to $11.36) and has the following affect on commercial/industrial properties:

Property Taxable Value Saved

Cemen Tech $2,797,300 $252
Herschel Adams $2,567,900 $231
Hy Vee $3,800,000 $342
Country Kitchen $ 573,300 $ 52

These entities are helping subsidize (thru taxes) a service they receive little to no benefit from since they do not have cable. Both Cemen Tech and Herschel Adams have laid off employees in the last year.

3. ONE STOP: A meeting is being scheduled with owners, lawyers and insurance companies next week to discuss the buildings and related options. We are hopeful a decision can be made on which, if any, buildings must remain or be removed. Will keep you posted.

4. RAGRRAI: The organization is taking shape. An advisory committee has been formed and 4 committee co-chairs are being recruited. The next step will be a treasurer, secretary and committee chairs for the 19 committees as recommended by RAGBRAI. Please let me know if you are interested in serving on a committee.

Friday, February 6, 2009

News Items - February 9, 2009

1. APRIL “GREEN” EVENTS: Chris Longer and Mindi Robinson are again submitting an application to the Warren County Philanthropic Partnership to help finance events/programs during April’s Indianola Go Green Month. The city is contributing $300 in local match. Good luck Chris and Mindi!!

2. CRP: The Sewer Department received $5,733 from USDA this year as a CRP reimbursement for its land on the Middle River. The USDA uses a lottery system for all State of Iowa government entities and the City of Indianola was drawn to receive money. Very good news.

3. RAGBRAI: A public meeting was held Wednesday the 4th in addition to a meeting of the major community entities including schools, county, fair, NBC and Simpson. Another meeting will be held next week to structure an organization to oversee our planning efforts. Will keep you posted.

Since RAGBRAI is on Tuesday the 21st and there will be an enormous amount of work/planning, I may recommend we cancel or postpone the July 20 council meeting to allow more time to prepare. I am assuming all elected officials will be working RAGBRAI in some capacity.

4. TOURISM BUDGET: The Tourism Committee has yet to provide their FY 07/08 budget as requested by council at the November meeting.

6. NORTH ‘Y’ STREET: In your packet is the proposed schedule for the North “Y” Street Improvement Project.

7. E-CYCLE: The building to house e-cycle projects will be built by the Street Department in February or early March.

8. DIVERSITY TRAINING: Tom Good, Iowa Civil Rights Commission, will be presenting to the employees on March 12th.

9. GRINDING AT BRUSH FACILITY: C.J. Coons and Chamness Technology will be providing quotes to grind brush material gathered throughout the 2008 season.